My Hell

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My Hell is a place of despair
Where all hope and joy seems unfair
A place of darkness and of fear
Where no light can ever appear

The flames of Hell burn ever bright
Illuminating a darkened night
This realm of torment and of pain
It's all I've ever known, insane

There's nothing here to soothe the soul
No comfort to make me whole
The emptiness that I feel
It's just too much to ever heal

The screams of agony that fill the air
The terror that grips my heart in fear
The loneliness that I endure
It's too much for me to endure

My Hell is a place of desolation
The darkness of my isolation
The pain and suffering that I endure
It's all I've ever known, for sure

I'm trapped in my Hell forever more
As each day I'm forced to endure
It's a living nightmare that will never end
And I can never escape, not even pretend

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