Pain Always Lasts

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Pain of the past, it always lasts
A shadow that remains, no matter how fast
A haunting memory that will never part
That pierces like a sharpened dart

It's hard to move on and accept the past
The sorrow each day will always last
It's a pain that cannot be undone
It follows you like the setting sun

The years have passed, the wounds still remain
The memories return again and again
No matter where you go, you cannot escape
The pain of the past, it never fails to shape

It's hard to move on from the things of the past
The sorrow so deep, it simply can't last
A hard truth to learn and a lesson to take
The pain of the past, it always stays awake

The pain of the past, it's so hard to bear
But one thing is sure, it will always be there
A constant reminder of what once was here
It's the pain of the past, it always lasts, year after year

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