What Is It Like To Be Happy?

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What is it like to be happy
A feeling deep and sweet and sappy
It fills your heart with warmth and glee
And sets your mind in harmony

It’s like a ray of golden light
That casts away the darkest night
It banishes all fear and doubt
And helps you find a way out

It’s like a hug that never ends
A feeling of contentment that transcends
It brings a joy that nothing else can
A feeling like the perfect fan

It’s like a fountain of delight
That never ceases its endless spright
It’s like a stream of glee
That washes away every worry

It’s like a rainbow of pure bliss
That can even vanquish the abyss
It’s like a star that illuminates
The darkness and fills our plates

It’s like a child’s smile so bright
That fills our hearts with delight
It’s like a dream that never fades
A feeling like a perfect serenade

So what is it like to be happy
It’s a feeling that can make us free
It’s a joy that never dies
And a spirit that never flies

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