An Authors Art

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Darkness is my friend
In the shadows, my thoughts descend
Writers block, my constant foe
Confined to my head, where to go?

The page before me, blank and bare
Pens and paper, my only affair
Words evade me, inspiration fades
My mind exhausted, my soul sways

The darkness calls, a gentle whisper
A siren's song, a tempting quiver
I close my eyes, and take a breath
The abyss, a familiar bed

In this void, I find my rest
Devoid of light, in silence blessed
The words return, in a gentle stream
My aching soul, at last redeemed

And so I stand, in the shadows deep
A broken soul, yet my pen I keep
For in this lonely, darkened place
I find my muse, my saving grace

Poems Of PainWhere stories live. Discover now