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I tapped my pen impatiently on the table, praying silently that the bell will ring as soon as possible. I was so goddamn thirsty and I'm famished. I skipped dinner due to my exhaustion last night and I skipped breakfast too because I overslept, and since I was late and arrived 5 minutes before the bell rang, I couldn't make a quick visit to the cafeteria either, nice isn't it?

A balled paper suddenly hit me, snapping me from my silent prayer.

I turned around and saw a grinning Win. I shot him a confused look but he just motioned to the paper. I cautiously open it, reading the barely readable handwriting that belongs to none other than Win himself.

Stay a bit after class.
I got a brilliant plan

Yeah, brilliant, like hell I would believe it.
Brilliant in Win's dictionary usually are weird things that are barely appropriate and by the way he wrote this down, he seems to really love his 'brilliant' idea and with that being said, there's gonna be a slim chance I can turn this down.

I simply raised my thumb up, not even bothering to look back. He tossed another paper to me, which make me question my teacher's eyes because he still didn't notice our passing-note activity. I opened the balled-up paper, noticing the same messy handwriting again.

Are you hoping for something else?
No, not really because that would be so bloody odd.

You'll like it, I promise
Coz knowing you, you'd probs think that it's inappropriate
But FYI, this one is appropriate enough to be rated PG, I swear

Whatever, I still didn't believe him anyway.

But again, I just raised my thumb up. I tossed the papers back to him (being the lazy ass that I am) I don't want to litter but I also don't want to toss them into the bin. I could hear Win mumbling something along the line of 'lazy bum' but I flip him off easily as the bell finally rang. Fucking finally!

I took my time when packing my stuff up, waiting for the other students to rush off. Win came over to my table, casually sitting on top of the table while I glared slightly at him.

"Hey, Kana"

"Hey, Winnie"

"Eww, don't call me that! That's like a girl name"

"Whatevs, but what's the plan anyway?"

"You and I, switch boyfriends"

"Wait, what? Are you insane or something?" I yelled out. This boy got no brain, I swear.

"Oh c'mon, it won't be that bad. I mean, Mew and Bright are besties so I'm sure they're somewhat alike, just like you and me, so why not?"

"Where's this hideous idea coming from?"

"Nowhere, I was just zoning out, and then I thought about the four of us and that idea just pop up."

"You're insane, you know that, right?"

"No, I'm not. It's amazing, Gulf. Think about this as a way to bond even more with them, a slight switch, like I mean usually you're either with me or with Bright. It's never been just you and Mew, right?" He tried to reason.

I timidly shook my head at his last statement, I had never really seen things that way and I just realised that Win was somewhat right. Although his idea was still a big no-no to me, I can't help but contemplate it.

"It's always the four of us at lunch, don't you think it'll bring more fun if you're closer to Mew and I'm closer to Bright too? Like no offence, things are fun this way but I just want the four of us to be close with everyone you know, not just two out of three. Do you get it?"

"Yeah, kinda"

"So is that a yea?"

"I... I don't know, I think I'll sleep on this"

"Yay!!! Lemme know by tomorrow morning so we can tell the boys at lunch. Now c'mon, I bet they're waiting already."

He abruptly grabbed my hand and dragged me all the way to the cafeteria. I saw my boyfriend and his best friend, talking like it was just the two of them in the cafeteria. I swiftly make my way to the empty seat beside Bright, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, babe"

"Hi," I greeted back. Mew nodded his head at me as a silent greeting, to which I reply just as timidly.

And now I just realised that things are somewhat distant between Mew and me. We barely knew each other aside from the fact that he was dating my best friend and I'm dating his and that our friendship is based on nothing but that fact. Like, I should be friends with him because he's dating my best friends and vice versa, that's just how it works but now that I think more about it, I guess trying to be friends with him (like actual friends) wouldn't be that bad, would it?

Yet again, I still found Win's idea strange and plainly insane, I mean yes that would be great for our group if we knew all three instead of just two, but switching boyfriends? Is that really necessary?

"Gulf? Babe, you alright?"

"Oh uh... yeah, I'm fine. Did you ask me something? I'm sorry for zoning out"

"No, we were just talking but usually you would chirp in but now you're not, I was just wondering"

"Oh, I'm all fine, you can worry about something else," I forced out a chuckle, trying to cover up my obvious lie. But thank god that Bright was an oblivious little thing so he believed my lies straight away.

I got back into zoning out, ignoring their voices like they were not even there. This crazy idea of Win kept messing with my mind and I can't help but wonder again and again. I just hope that whatever it is that becomes my conclusion the next morning wouldn't mess up what the four of us have right now.

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