Since the passing of Queen Aemma and Prince Baelon, as well as the betrayal Valera felt from the Prince Daemon, she had been a shell of herself.

Valera was subservient and listened dutifully, never fighting a command or speaking out of turn. Valera didn't speak much anymore and when she did it was small polite conversation. She kept the majority of her thoughts and opinions to herself, only sharing when she was asked to. The Princess hadn't picked up her sword since packing it away in one of her many trunks back in Kings Landing. Usually, the girl would practice at least once a day. Valera hadn't taken to the sky in many sennights, visiting Silverwing on the beach when she would see her circling the palace, looking for her mount.

"I am sorry," Valera apologized to her betrothed, reaching out for his hand. The Prince held Valeras hands in his, telling her she had nothing to apologize for. A tear slipped from the girls left eye so Qoren lifted his hand to the cheek and wiped the tear lightly with his thumb.

"What do we do?" The young girl confided in the boy who was only two years her elder, a hopelessness laced into her words. Tears continued to spill from the marbled lilac eyes so the Prince pulled the Princess in to his chest, letting her hide her face in the soft fabric that covered his olive skin.

This was the first time the two royals had embraced and the first time that Valera called on Prince Qoren.

Valeras confession was a pivotal moment in the relationship for the two teens. Valera had finally allowed herself to begin to open up to her betrothed and Qoren felt like Valera was finally accepting him into her life which brought him immense joy.

Valera and Qoren were unsure of how everything would play out, but the Prince insured the doe eyed-silver haired girl that he would protect her and her child like it was his own.

In the following fortnight, Valera and Qoren spent the majority of their days together. Valera introduced the Prince to Silverwing but she was indifferent towards him. Instead, Silverwing focused all attention on to her rider, trying to take her up to the sky.

The shining silver beast would whine at its rider before bowing its shoulder, which allowed Valera to climb on to her more easily.

The Princess refused her dragons request, telling her that she had to stay at the water gardens.

The relationship between the Martell and Targaryen continued to strengthen as Qoren continues to share his passions with Valera. They conversed on politics, to which Valera was surprised on Qorens open mindedness. Herbology and history was another thing the two enjoyed learning about together. Valera would teach the Prince about plants native to the Seven Kingdoms as he continued to teach her about the plants in Dorne.

When the Princess was feeling especially sickly due to the pregnancy, Qoren tried to help as much as he could. He would bring Valera her food and pool dine in her chambers with her. He instructed the maester to make a tea to target Valeras nausea and fatigue. He would bring the books they were studying from the library to her chambers so they could spend the whole day there if they needed too.

Usually, around midday, Valera and Qoren would take a walk through the water gardens, usually accompanied by one of both of the Princes sisters.

On this particular day, it was overcast and one of the colder days Dorne had seen during their harvest season. Valera, Arianna and Qoren walked through the garden together. A Martell on each side of the Targaryen girl. The trio held pleasant conversation, Arianna and Qoren consistently teasing each other, which they often did.

Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerWhere stories live. Discover now