Can I sleep with you?

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Shadow's POV

I was asleep for a couple of hours before I woke up, I shifted in the bed trying to get comfortable but it seemed impossible, finally, defeated by a damn bed, I get out and begin to walk out of the room since I had nothing better to do, really.

I opened the door slowly, before opening it fully and tip-toeing out of the room. I stole a quick glance into Tails'room finding him fast asleep, smiling while he was clutching his red blanket. I shut his door and walked over to Sonic's room and opened the door briefly before peeking into it.

I found Sonic awake on his phone while he sat up in bed, he noticed me and waved before taking one of his ear pods out.

"Oh? Hey Shadow, what's up?" He asked while I walked into the room, closing the door behind me.

"I couldn't sleep." I replied

Sonic patted the bed next to him, signalling for me to sit down which I did and he began to start small talk.

"Shads, you seemed upset today, you wanna talk about it?" He asked while he wrapped his arm around my neck, I tensed up a bit but I soon eased myself and answered Sonic's question.

"I'm not sure anymore." I said

"What do you mean?"

"I just... Don't know, I guess." I told him as a yawn from me followed.

"Are you sure, you seemed so sad when you were around me, are you hiding something, have I done something?" He asked starting to get worried and flustered

I quickly gave him the most quick and awkward hug in the world before pulling away as soon as possible.

"No. It's not you, it's me." I told him

"What's up with you, then?" Sonic asked me while looking at me tentively.

"I'll find the courage to tell you one day..." I mumbled trying to be inaudible but that failed miserably

"Aww, come on, Shads, you know I'm impatient!"

I let out a sigh of defeat as I looked into Sonic's gorgeous, green eyes, I wanted to tell him how I feel but i just couldn't do it tonight so I decided I'll finally pluck up the courage and tell him I have the biggest crush on him...tomorrow.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yay! Okay haha. Goodnight Shads!" Sonic hummed contentively before turning over and pulling the blanket over himself.

I got up to leave but as soon as I opened the door I found myself unable to move. I wanted to sleep with Sonic, I KNOW IT SOUNDS WRONG, but... I just want to sleep with him in a friend sort of way although I like him.

I found the courage to ask so as soon as I reached to grab the door handle, I turned around slowly and sighed.


"Hm?" He mumbled shifting, over rubbing his eyes

"C-can I sleep in your bed tonight... Please?" I squeaked before looking away making it clear to Sonic that I was embarrassed.

Sonic laughed before getting up out of bed, "Sure, I'll sleep in the guest ro-"

Before he could finish, I interrupted him sounding a little eager, shit!

"No no, I mean in your bed, with you." I blurted out

Sonic widened his eyes before getting back into bed he seemed nervous but tried to hide it.


Sorry for the short chapters, I made one giant one but I cannot see myself writing another, have a lovely day! 💕

The sleepover (Sonadow) --Discontinued--Where stories live. Discover now