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Shadow's POV

Me and Tails were sitting on the couch, I was scrolling through my phone as Tails rested his head on my chest watching my phone. I wasn't doing anything interesting, really, just scrolling on TikTok but Tails didn't mind. He seemed to have warmed up to me pretty quickly, which makes me kinda glad to be honest because I really like this charming fox.

I could feel his soft breathing as I placed my arm around him, he snuggled into me closer. I didn't mind.

What a minute...

This is gay...

I know i'm gay, but...

I don't like Tails like that...

No, only Faker...


No, I dont, I'm gay but Faker is not my type.

"Shadow?" Tails interrupted me from my thoughts as I looked down to the sweet fox staring at me

"What is it lil guy?" I asked

"What's wrong?" He said

"Nothing, lil guy, nothing at all." I smiled before turning my phone off and resting my head on Tails'.

He smiled and shuffled closer, shutting his eyes and snoring gently.

"HELLO!!!" Sonic barged into the room causing me and Tails to literally jump out of our skins

Sonic suddenly gasped like an uwu girl and jumped up and down as if he was an exited puppy

"OMG OMG OMG, THIS IS SOOO CUTE OMGGGG!!!" He screeched causing me to snap

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PRICK!" I yelled but suddenly covered my mouth seeing Tails was still leaning on me.

Sonic gasped as I covered my mouth,

"Shadow... Wow!" Tails suddenly jumped up and down excitedly as I stared at him."SONIC NEVER DOES THAT!! You're so cool!!!" He yelled at me with shining eyes

I let out a sigh of relief and smiled, " Sure but you won't be hearing any more of that from me, at least not when you're around." I grinned as I flipped Faker off

"Oh, Sonic what happened at Amy's, you took forever?" Tails whined as he plopped down

Sonic sighed sadly at the sound of Amy. He began to explain what happened but he looked really upset for some reason?

"I went over Amy's to get my hoodie, I left it there last week but I didn't have a chance to get it but since I wanted to wear it this week, I went and got it but when I got there Amy was acting really strange... She was all droopy and she couldn't walk properly, I suspected that she was drunk but when I asked her if she was she told me she had never drunk in her life. I decided to take her to the hospital and they thought that she had some sort of bug or flu that infected her greatly but when I asked if I could stay with her, they told me that is wouldn't be safe In case I could catch it if it was infections so I just came home." He told us as he sat next to me, he was really close to me and I felt my body heat up.

"Oh no, I hope she's okay." Tails spoke before yawning loudly. "Guys, I'm tired. I'm going to bed, goodnight Sonic... Goodnight Shadow!"

"Goodnight bro!" Sonic yelled to Tails as he walked upstairs

"Night.' I said to him

"What hoodie did you want, anyway?" I asked curiously

Sonic shook his head awkwardly. "Oh... It's nothing..." He shuffled hiding the hoodie behind his back

I pulled the hoodie swiftly out of his hands and unfolded it looking at the front which shows the gay flag, I gasped and then started laughing.

"You're gay!?"

"So what if I'm gay!? There's nothing wrong with me!"

"I never said that but I wouldn't think it. Don't worry."

"Why not worry, I don't understand, Shadow?"

"I'm gay too."

"You are!?"

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