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Sonic's POV

I sat down on the sofa, a content ebony hedgehog sat beside me, smiling softly while he twisted his inhibitor rings.

"Faker... Can I tell you something?" Shadow spoke, softer than usual. I shifted in my seat until I faced him and nodded my head gently.

Shadow sighed as he turned to face me almost mimicking my movements but he seemed frightened a little and somewhat confused.

"Why... Why did you hold my hand earlier?" He mumbled, clearly embarrassed to say it but he was desperate for an answer.

I avoided eye contact as I gathered my thoughts together, I risked it and held his hand once more before creating eye contact. I smiled briefly as I stared into his beautiful ruby pools and opened my mouth slowly.

"I guess I just like holding your hands..." I said. Shadow looked at me for a few seconds with an unreadable expression before it shifted into a neutral one. I let go of his hands suddenly, finally realising that I almost certainly will get killed knowing what Shadow is like, I bowed my head, staring at my crossed legs expecting a cruel response but he lifted my chin.

"Don't worry," He spoke soothingly while placing his hands on his knees, "I won't hurt you, I promise, I'm just... Well, stunned a little that's all. I'm going to bed now, goodnight, Sonic."

I sat on the couch as I wated him go upstairs to his room but as soon as he was out of sight I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and covered my face in my hands.

I can't believe that I just held his hands again, what's wrong with me! Wait... Shadow just called me Sonic, to my face, kindly... He's never called me Sonic!! Only once and that was when I was moaning in my sleep! Oh... Oh well this is great!!! Or is it? Of course it is! Am I catching feelings? Of course not, he's my friend for sure! Or is he my crush? OH MY FUCK!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHGGGGGGGG!!!-" I yelled as loud as I possibly could before being interrupted by Shadow.


Wait a minute, Shadow called me Sonic again!? This is officially the best day of my life!

"Sorry..." I called back before walking up to my bedroom and laying on top of my bed "Goodnight guys!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever just sleep already." Shadow yelled.

I stared at the ceiling for what seemed like forever until I finally drifted off to sleep with a little saliva flowing from my mouth.

I slept for a while before waking back up. I checked my clock on my phone:

"Eleven O' clock..." I sighed, while my phone was still in my hand, I couldn't be bothered to put it off so I just went on TikTok.

Oh well.

The sleepover (Sonadow) --Discontinued--Where stories live. Discover now