Fatherly Shadow

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Tails' POV

I yawned heavily and sat up in bed, my ears were pinned to my head as I remembered what happened at science camp but I am safe now. Sonic and Shadow will protect me, I wonder if Shadow is staying here.

I shuffled down the many stairs to be greeted my a black hedgehog smiling at me thought the kitchen doorway.

"Morning." He said

"Good morning Shadow, have you seen Sonic?" I asked him, watching him looming over something delicious smelling sizzling away in the pan

"Yeah, he's gone to Amy's house to grab something, want some bacon and eggs?" He told me while plating up breakfast

"Sure, I'm starving!' I grinned at I grabbed cutlery for the both of us.

"Do you know how long he'll be?" I asked him, grabbing my plate from his hand

"No... But don't worry lil guy, I'm here and I'm staying!" He chuckled as he patted the top of my yellow head

"Really?!" I yelled, I sounded exited - which I was, but I didn't want him to think I was looking forward to him living with me and Sonic

"Yes, really." He told me as he followed me to the kitchen table

We both sat down and ate our food, it was silent other than the sound of our knives and forks tapping against the plates but Shadow soon broke the silence.

"Are you feeling alright today?" He asked me, looking a little worried but mostly happy in the case I should start crying once again

"Yeah... I'm felling better, but I still can't forget it. I can see all of the pain I went through so vividly that it's like a nightmare but I'm not sleeping." I sniffed

" I get it, but I promise you that you will soon find happiness and forget the horror, I promise." He smiled at me, rubbing my back as I looked up at his kind face with gleaming eyes like crystals meeting a beam of sunlight

"Thank you, Shadow!" I yelled before jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly -as tight as I could possibly grasp until I heard him choke

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I screeched as I let him go, suddenly.

He laughed as he scratched behind my ear

"You're quite strong for a little guy like you!" He told me disbelievingly

"Well, for your information, I'm not little, I'm strong and capable!" I confronted triumphantly as he laughed at my stubborn little face

"I can tell!" He said with a flashing grin.

The sleepover (Sonadow) --Discontinued--Where stories live. Discover now