Park visit

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Sonic's POV

I was finished showering and have now began to dress myself, this time I've remembered to keep the door locked so I don't have any more unexpected visitors while I'm doing something private. I slipped on my jeans and unlocked the door to see Shadow waiting outside, he was wearing a sweater and jeans just like me that were the exact same colour as mine.

"Coincidence." Shadow sighed

"Want me to change into something else?"

"Nah, don't bother changing because we look the same, it's fine. I can't wait any longer anyway, I want to go to the park."

"Well, I'm not coming with you, so what's the big deal?" I asked

"Oh yes you are!" Shadow snapped before clasping my wrist and tugging me downstairs.

"Why do I have to come?" I groaned


"Because what?"

Shadow grunted and opened the front door still squeezing my wrist

"Ow, let me go!" I yelled

"No, you will run." He replied

"I won't, promise. Now please let go!"

"Fine." He muttered before letting go of my wrist "Hurry up then."

Shadow's POV

We finally arrived at the park and the sun was gleaming on Faker's quills which made him even more handsome.

What the fuck?!

Faker is ugly as fuck, what the hell is wrong with me today?!

Sonic's POV

I sat down on a bench, signalling for Shadow to sit next to me, which he did eventually with hesitance.

"Got any snacks?" I asked him

"Yes." He sighed while pulling out some really tasty looking snacks from his backpack.

"What have you got?" I asked with a slight smirk

"Fruit, health bars, a smoothie for myself and of course I brought some sweets and chocolate for you."

"Thanks, to be honest, my mood dropped when you started listing healthy stuff. Why the hell are you so healthy?"

"Because I'm not a sweet tooth!" He teased

"Oh shut it!" I yelled at him jokingly while I opened the chocolate bar Shadow had passed me and shoved it in my mouth whole.

Shadow looked at me with a disturbed look on his face while I chowed down, delighted. I honestly didn't know what he found so disturbing.

"Pig." He snorted while looking the opposite direction, avoiding eye contact in case I slapped him. Which, to be fair, I would have done with no hesitation. But since I was reasonable and in a good mood this afternoon, I ignored his response and kicked his ankle playfully.

"Fuck you." He snapped before moving his ankle away.

"You started it!" I complained with a slight pouty tone on my voice.

Shadow's POV

I rolled my eyes at his stupid response.

"Sure." I added while I looked away, signalling that it was the end of that conversation.

The sleepover (Sonadow) --Discontinued--Where stories live. Discover now