At the house

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Shadow's POV

I dumped my backpack on the floor as I walked into Sonic's living room.

"Do you want a snack?" Sonic asked me as he walked into the kitchen

"Sure, go ahead. Anything will do." I told him

I walked into the kitchen to see Faker making some chilli dogs.

"You really have an obsession with those things." I said

"Yeah, so? They are so delicious, so who couldn't have an obsession over them?" he spoke in a truthful tone

I sighed as I took my plate which had a tasty looking chilli dog on it, I had to admit, they didn't look that bad.

Sonic's POV

I walked out of the kitchen holing my scrumptious chilli dog that already had a bite out if it and I sat next to Shadow, who was sitting on my couch.

"Nice?" I asked him

Shadow wiped his mouth from the tomato sauce and replied

"Not bad." He said

"I'll take that." I laughed

Shadow grinned.

"You look cute when you smile." I said hesitantly

Shadow looked at me with wide eyes before looking away

"You do too..." He whispered

He looked at me again, now blushing madly and I realized that I was too. Our heads were getting closer until our noses were touching and Shadow looked at his knees. I brought my hand to his chin and lifted it making his gaze meet mine and then i did something that I wanted to do my entire life.

I kissed him...

The sleepover (Sonadow) --Discontinued--Where stories live. Discover now