*- what now*-

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Graces POV
Florence, Italy
The streets

"Grace let me walk you home atleast!" Pietro jogged behind me yet his stride could not keep up with my angered pace, with my arms crossed to give myself warmth from the rain pouring down into us, making my once straightened hair all frizzy, my once neatly done makeup mixed up with my tears and the rain.

"No, just... just go home!" I fought back, not daring to turn my head to reveal his desperate puppy eyes that I once adored but now despised even though he saved my life not so long ago from the man I thought I knew but never did.

"Grace!" Pietro grabbed my shoulder, spinning me around.

"Pietro! I don't need you, just-go-home!" I demanded, my voice shaken from anger and surprise. Pietro's face softened over to me, like a lost puppy with his hair soaked.

"Yeah? You think you can take care of yourself?" He scoffed, retreating his hand from me as he analysed my angered expression.

"That's not my concern right now. You are. Just go!" I berated, pointing over into the direction of his house before I turned away and paced home again.

Her parents home

Without knocking due to the time, I entered my parents grand home with the large double doors that were 2x the height of me. Once I closed the door behind me, I let out the longest exhale of relief resting my back on the door, holding a hand against my heart beat to feel it still racing. How could fell- I mean Hannibal do this to me? I thought we... no, no there was nothing there. There never will be.

"Mummy?" My shaken voice called out, back to being a little girl as I took easy steps into the home, my heels clanking against the Grace. Within seconds, my mother revealed herself from the kitchen wrapped in a dressing gown, squinting her eyes over to me since she didn't have her contacts in.

"Gracie? Have you seen the time-" she checked the watch on her wrist however I fell into her arms and my barrier of tears broke on her. She was quick to hold me back, stroking my hair and slowly rocking me.
"Oh my baby... what's the matter?" She whispered over to me, planting her motherly kisses over my head then going to cup my face, her eyes scanning for any injuries.
"You must be freezing" she then began to rub my forearms, guiding me to a stool on the breakfast bar and wrapped her dressing gown over me, moving my soaking hair from my face.

"I-I.. fell hes..." my words not even able to form anymore in my mouth, my brain unable to choose which word to say. Cannibal? Manipulator? Not even fell. My mothers eyes showed panic over to me, as her eyebrows arched over.
"I can't even say it... god" I began to sob again, Resting my head in my arms.

"Did he hurt you?" She rubbed my back gently, helping my catch my breath.

"No, no... oh it's so much worse... he killed inspector pazzi, he's... he's not even called... his real name is Hannibal Lecter and he... eats people" I gagged a little, feeling sick just at the thought of my lips against his back in my apartment.

"...what" my mother suddenly stopped all movements, frozen in time.

"No, please believe me. I-I went to see and I found..." my words began to choke in my throat again
"So much blood" my tears down my cheek.

"Oh honey... rinaldo?!" My mother screamed out, running upstairs to search for my father leaving me occupied with the sound of heavy rain clashing onto the windows. Using my alone time to gather myself together, I took my time to analyse the clean, large marble countered kitchen with the view of the grand backyard where I spent most of my childhood.

Hannibal's POV

Standing in the airport, viewing my plane time on the board above. Although I know this shall become my lifestyle of going country to country, I never knew it would be so hard to leave. Grace was never mine to begin with as much as I wanted her to, with my chances now abolished. I still possessed the book she gifted her, still in hope I can give her a book as a gift for her birthday when I know full well she will never accept it gracefully after discovering the truth. She may not believe me, but I'll never harm her. Well, not physically as I have had thought I'd harm those around her. I knew I should've abolished her and Pietro when I had a chance but bedelia's words took a toll. I'd imagine will Graham and jack Crawford have bedelia now but that is no longer my priority, Grace is.

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