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• Graces POV
• Florence, Italy
• Dinner
• 8:00PM

Just as the waiter was about to pour my glass of champagne, I swiftly placed my hand over the glass to which the waiter looked down at me confused with a raised eyebrow. My hangover was still yet to pass and to act perfectly normal in front of my parents even though the thought of food makes me gag is a whole challenge.

"You don't wish for a drink?" My mother question, sounding a little concerned with a puzzled look on her sweet, glamoured face that she perfected with her lovely makeup. I then retreated my hand from the glass, awkwardly clearing my throat as Scarlett allowed her drink to be poured. My father also stared over at me with a puzzled expression, tapping his finger on the table.

"No. No, not really" I chuckled, adjusting my straightened hair over my shoulder which complimented against my cadet blue blazer and black vest.

"So I got you guys some photos" Scarlett giggled, rummaging through her bag as I inspected the big hall of tables and some customers clapping to their reveal of their dishes. Once Scarlett found them photos, she handed them to my mother with a big grin. God, how is she so energetic?

"Oh my goodness, she's getting so big" my father gasped, adjusting his glasses on his nose as he leaned closer towards the photo while my mother pressed a hand against her chest, in awe.

"They grow so fast, huh?" Scarlett revealed a cracked smile, hiding her tired eyes by inspecting the menu placed in front of her. However, I had been to this restaurant one too many times.

"Could say the same for you girls" my father inquired with a devilish smirk.

"Say that to me when I'm 30" i sarcastically rolled my eyes over, bringing out giggles through the table.

• Hannibal's POV
• his apartment
• 8:00PM

"This is the part where you leave" bedelia opened up the suitcase that was located on the dining table, revealing all my clothes neatly piled up. Her eyes seemingly took pleasure at my expressionless face taking in the sight of the suitcase.

"May I ask why?" I swallowed my lump of hatred down, turning my head over to her as she placed a hand on her hip.

"The federal bureau shall break down that door any minute" suddenly, she took one slow step forward to me.
"I shall not go down for your crimes" she then took another slow, big step over.
"Nor will Grace" Bedelia slanted her head over at me once we were truly face to face.
"She'll be safe away from you" she whispered.

"Is that what you believe?" I whispered back, taunting her.

"It's what I know... and I also know you intended to feast on me"

"It would be a shame not to savour you" I inquired, yet her face showed no horror as her facial muscles calmed, her eyes lingering down to my lips.

"You may make a meal of me yet Hannibal..." leaning closer. Our lips inches away, for our door to suddenly get 4 violent knocks almost sending bedelia off her feet.

"Fell!" The unknown voice called out, his voice in a low tone and sounded like he was a frequent smoker. Sniffing the air, it reminded me of something yet nothing I could pin point it on.
"It is inspector pazzi" he confirmed to me. Ah yes, that would explain the gravel like tone. Bedelia was quick to leave the room, her heels clicking against the wooden tiles as she did so whereas I went to answer the door. Switching the locks, i opened the door about to take in a breath to greet inspector pazzi for a truly unknown man to reveal himself from the wall, about to press a cloth against my mouth yet I did not gasp from my shock but instead right hooked his elbow causing him to yelp in pain. He then blew a punch to my jawline, sending me back with a copper taste in my mouth.

• Graces pov

Even though this was my birthday dinner, I couldn't help but notice my fathers odd behaviour as he frequently checked his expensive wrist watch to then go back to tapping his index finger on the table impatiently, sucking on his teeth.

"And so I said why would it matter ya know?" Scarlett rambled to my mother with a frustrated tone, while my mother leaned closer in on the table. However, my focus was on my father as he gazed down at the table.

"Oh absolutely dear, if my husband did that to me I doubt he'd be here" she joked, getting a giggle out of the two of them. Her hand touching his forearm snapped himself out of his trance, glancing over at his wife then me to see my furrowed eyebrows over at him.

"Everything alright dad?" I questioned, concern detected in my tone.

"Perfect" he chuckled, slapping his knees.
"Shall we order?"

• Hannibal's POV

The mysterious man went for his knife buckled into his belt before pazzi yelled.

"No! He must be alive" he assured, going to hold me down against my own floor as I had been beaten hard - however the man was much worse. My attacker limped his way around me on the floor, swallowing his own blood as I had hit him in the teeth, possibly knocking one out yet it was too hard to tell with his once yellowed, grim teeth stained crimson red. He pressed a hand against his ribs, panting beside me as he went to kick his boot into my side knocking the wind out of me.

"Bastardo" he grunted, taking pleasure at me wheezing for a breath. However, the two were too in the moment unaware that the man's knife had fallen from his belt long ago and I rolled onto it beforehand. Pazzi went to take ahold of one arm, about to restrain me until I rolled onto my back, going to stab into his neck yet he swung backwards falling onto his ass. The unknown man went to grab me however I slashed at his hand, hearing him let out a yelp and then I slashed the back of his ankle, cracking it open to hear his yelp turn into a blood curdling scream as his blood sprayed all over my wooden floors, falling into his back also. Now that he was not going anywhere, time to go find pazzi since he made a sprint for the door. Scrambling onto my feet, feeling my injuries soar, I hurried to the door, grabbing onto the door frame for support to see pazzi was long gone leaving his ally with me. Slowly turning my head back into the apartment - my hair fallen in front of my face hiding my bashed forehead and busted lip - the man attempted to crawl away from me yet found himself at bedelia's feet. Although she had full authority to stab her high heel into his bleeding hand, her cold eyes gazed up at me.

"Participating or observing?" I questioned her, closing the door behind myself.

"What?" She was quick to reply back, baffled.

"Participating or observing" I repeated, collecting a statue from its stand, feeling it's weight. She took a few steps back from the man, who was panting on the floor licking some blood from his lip as he stared up at me with malevolent eyes. It brought humour to me however, to know he was no threat to me as he was on the floor. Standing over him, I dropped the statue onto his kneecap to hear its crunch. Now, time for answers. I was quick to press my palm against his mouth to mute his cries for help.

• Graces POV

"So when shall you be returning home, Scar?" My father politely asked Scarlett as he began to finish up his plate.

"Tonight, responsible women now" she smiled, sipping her glass.

"Well I wish you safe journeys" my mother flashed her a sweet smile, dipping some tiger bread into his dish. However, I just kept my eyes on my father who seemed more tense and agitated today. After this meal, perhaps I'll take on Fell's offer going to the library.

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