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• Graces POV
• Florence, Italy
• Hannibal's apartment
• 10:00PM

Holding a bag of my leftover goods from the dinner, I slowly made my way up the apartment steps, my designer heels clicking on the tiled floors. Scanning through my phone with my free hand, re-reading who's working at the shifts at the museum this week to see Fell on no shifts? Raising an eyebrow to myself, I brushed it off and decided I'll talk to him about it as I got onto his floor. Taking a longer stride, my heels slipped into something on the floor nearly backing me lose balance.

"Goddamn" I muttered to myself, raising my heel to see red staining my beige grip. The longer I stared, the more concerned and even frightened I became. all My hairs on my arm stuck up instantly at the sight, my heart beat pumping through my ears as I saw a faint blood trial coming from Fell's apartment. My once large strides became smaller, more cautious with every step.

"Antonio?" I quietly hollered out, my phone still in hand for any emergency. Once I reached fell's door, to see it was wide open with what looked like a tornado came through. A smashed statue on the floor stained in crimson red, the tiled floors once polished and brown now sticky and uncolourful.
"Mrs. Fell?" I shouted over again, dropping my food bag on the floor as my limbs suddenly became frail. Without a thought in my mind, I entered the apartment to see furniture knocked out of place like the dining chairs and vases that were once treated with such care. With no response, made my heart sink further as my breath became more rapid, so rapid I couldn't keep up. Rushing around the apartment, there was no sign of life. I hurried into the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, the other bedroom, his office and yet nothing. All the other rooms were pristine, except the dining area to which you see upon entry. However, I was still in his office to see everything neatly tucked away and decorated traditionally with a desk in the centre of the room, a pile of papers all organised neatly with a cup of pens beside it. It's desk light was still on, dimming the rest of the room from my sight. Perhaps this'll tell me any clues?

Still not thinking straight, I began to rummage through his papers. Mostly being work related or personal like certain emails printed out. I dismissed the work related items, but found myself scan reading the personal emails. Mostly were from inspector pazzi sayinf what sounded like false accusations from certain crime ongoing in Florence. Yet, I found one from my father. Raising the paper closer to my face with my shaking hand, I read the words slowly

Stay away from my daughter, you have a wife as she has much more potential for other residents in Florence that'll flourish her and her work. I can make your time here difficult as you're not from here - you're nothing but a parasite.

My father was still threatening him?

I know who you really are, Doctor Lecter. As does Will Graham and jack Crawford along with the rest of the FBI wanting your head at their doorstep back in Baltimore. Don't think I won't.

Doctor Lecter? Who're all these names? I went to go through more piles, for an FBI page to reveal itself. A younger photo of Fell was in black and white, taking up half the page with his high cheekbones and slicked back hair.

• Doctor Hannibal Lecter
• cannibalism, torture, treason, abuse, brain washing, incrimination, drugging, attempted murder, prison escape, illegal experimenting, blackmailing, breaking an entry, motor vehicle theft, Grave robbery, mutilation, abuse of power

The list ongoing... oh my god? What? My dad was... what? No.

"Miss Valentine?" An exhausted voice appeared at the door way, making my pacing heart beats stall for a moment as I gasped to the scare. I shot my head up to reveal Inspector Pazzi holding onto his side, looking all bruised and cut on his hands and arms, resting his body weight on the door frame.
"You mustn't be here... not safe" his voice sounding so exhausted, licking his parched lips.

"I.. I came to find...." My words unable to form in my mouth and even mind, my eyes switching between pazzi and the paper. He could've killed me. He could be so many times yet he didn't. What did he want with me!?

"We must... go" Pazzi slowly reached his injured arm out to me, gesturing to come over. Pazzi and I knew each other as I was once seen his cunt of a nephew and he does a lot of work with my father... my father.

"He sent you..." my voice breaking as it became swollen as my mind became uncoordinated.
"My father sent you to... to..." my eyes slowly resting back onto the page in my hands. The more I looked into his eyes, the more broken and distrusted I felt. I let him into my home... I let him see me.

"We must be leaving" Pazzi took a step over to me, limping until he suddenly collapsed onto his face, his groans dying out as I stared at the knife lunged in his back. Oh, fuck he's also here. Covering my mouth with my palm to lessen my whimpers, Hannibal revealed himself at the door frame, staring down at paralysed Pazzi. He also seemed beaten down, his once neatened hair was messy and unclean with blood - unaware if it's his from his cut face or not - and he also seemed injured by his side but made less of a play about it then pazzi did. Taking small steps back, the floor boards creaked under my shoe catching the attention of Hannibal. The eyes I once enjoyed looking into, made me feel threatened and alone. His eyes then caught onto the paper in my hand.

"Now why would you poke your nose, Grace" his voice sounded exhausted, yet still terrifying. I opened my mouth to say something, anything yet nothing came out so instead I shook my head over at him pleading.
"I wish you no harm" he raised a hand to show his surrender, walking over pazzi's body causing me to go into a ray of panic as all I could hear was my heart beat in-tensing in my ear as he took closer strides to me, making me corner myself in. I held onto the walls as my legs felt like they were no longer there.

"I won't... I won't say anything" I promised him, my eyes glued onto him slowly coming closer, holding himself up by his desk as he got closer and closer. Instead of a proper response, he tutted to himself.

"I'm afraid I don't believe you..." he sighed, now so close to me I could see how deep his slashes on his face were... his eyes watched me analyse every piece of his face that I once adored.

"...why" I began to whimper, bracing myself for a brutal death. He slowly raised his hand up to my face, his index finger brushing my jawline which made me feel disgusted. His mouth opened to respond, another voice filled it.


Hannibal's head shot back, then back to me to see my almost hopeful face.

"You respond, I will kill you" he swore, then rushed over to pazzis body, placing a foot on his back to lunge the knife out of his back. The noise of squelch made me feel funny but instead Hannibal viewed it in his hand before exiting the office.

"He has a knife!" I screamed, hurrying out of the office also to see Hannibal no longer in sight but instead caught the sight of Pietro scanning his eyes over the graveyard of an apartment.
"Pietro" I cried to myself, so unaware that I would one day be so thankful for his presence. I sprinted over to him, as he caught me in his arms wrapping his leather jacket around me.
"I don't know where's he gone, but we need to go" I whimpered, gripping onto his shirt to guide him out the apartment since Hannibal's presence was yet unknown.

"I'll call my uncle" Pietro assured me, gently rubbing my arm as we exited the apartment, ignoring my bagged goods on the floor.

"Pietro...." I muttered, my heart already sinking for him.

The further we got away from the apartment, the more satisfied I felt yet nothing could brush the thought of someone's eyes on me

The Fallen Angel • Hannibal Lecter Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang