-* Social Gathering*-

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Graces POV
• Florence, Italy
• 6:00PM
• Valentino's party

"If he was one to hold the letter from Guandolio himself in his non-Italian hand, would he know of it? I think not" one of my fathers 'friends' exclaimed in a low, disgusted tone as he waved his hand in the air, that was holding a cigarette that stunk the air of the ghastly aroma. The man wanted his nephew to have Fell's job, some of the crowd agreeing with him yet I was one of the few to disagree.

"Haha, the man must know so little of our Italian traditions" another man queued in, belly laughing with his hand over his oversized beer belly that barely fitted in his tuxedo. My father, also laughing in the crowd only made me bite into my tongue harder, almost making me draw blood, as I felt myself become hotter and more tense.

"Perhaps you'd pop by to witness his presentation on the red dragon, I promise you it'll be worth while" I spoke calmly, subtly even though I did want to use another choice of words which involved lots of improper language. Then, everyone suddenly fell silent as their eyes looked me up and down as if I was a clown.

"What my daughter is trying to say is... she would love everyone to give this man and his wife a try. From what I hear, people say good words of him" my mothers hand crawling onto my bare shoulder, giving it an assuring squeeze. From her touch, I intently felt calmer as I took in a deep breath for myself, sipping on my champagne. My mother had piercing emerald eyes which suited her strawberry blonde hair and you would always find her styling herself with the colour ivy green. Today, she attired herself in a long, green dress with a brown furred coat.
"They'll understand" she whispered over to me, patting my cheek. 

"And my daughter!" My father suddenly grabbing me and pulling me in, his arm slithered around my body holding his champagne in the air, spilling it a little. Instantly, the shame sunk into me as all the middle aged men with unattractive features dawned their high eyes upon me.
"My daughter can do anything, anything! J-Just say a talent!" He stumbled upon his words, his champagne down his sleeve.

"Instruments?" A voice called out.

"Yes!" My father cheered, raising his glass. Another voice went to speak out, however I moved myself away from my fathers grip, awkwardly adjusting my dress with a glass in my hands. However, my father seemed to take no notice as he went to lean back down into the tray, collecting a small snorting tube to use his favourite hobby again.

"I think I'll go socialise a bit more independently" I whispered into my mothers ear, going to mingle myself into other crowds until my eyes laid on Fell who seemingly had just walked in, linking his arms with his beautiful wife, scanning her admirable eyes across the room. From her stare, it seemed like it could kill someone however her husbands eyes seemed welcoming.

Hannibal's POV
• 6:10PM
• Valentino's party

"Aha! Dr. Fell, a pleasure to see you again!" A familiar face appeared from the crowd - Mr. Valentino. From his appearance and his large burst of energy, it seemed he had been using the drug cocaine - a drug I would not use myself but have used on others in the past, it's effective what can I say? Without warning, he was swift to take my hand from my side, eagerly shaking it with two hands then went kiss bedelia's hand, in a more calm manner as he raised the back of her hand to his lips, giving them a gentle peck.

"Good evening, we must thank you for the invite" I flashed him a plastic smile, keeping bedelia close to my side.

"I've been meaning to say... how are you..." as Valentino's words were directed over to me however they seemed to lost my interest quickly as I couldn't help myself but scan the crowd - all dressed formally - yet my eyes found their way onto Grace, who attired herself in a lovely, sleeveless white dress holding a champagne glass with two hands as she held a big, warm smile on her face talking to an elder woman. She adjusted her curled hair behind her back, my heart now beating like a humming bird, then by surprise her eyes suddenly fell onto me. Her smile then faded over at me slightly, before she suddenly gave me a big smile with teeth, gesturing a little wave.
"Ahem, Dr. Fell" Valentine then jokingly waved his hands in front of my face, stealing my glance away from his daughter.

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