-*What Do You Want*-

450 19 2

• Graces POV
• Florence, Italy
• 10AM
• Graces apartment

Even though I was having a glorious dream, I was suddenly awakened by the softness of Mittens tail brushing under my nose, giving me a little sniffle. The second I opened my dazed eyes, the room was spiny, I felt grubby and overall dead. Resting my eyes again, I raised my arm for mittens to snuggle under and she went right in, purring in my ear.

"Oh fuck!" In a flash, I sat up way too quick the second last nights memories came back in. Oh fuck indeed. Did I say anything to Fell? Oh god. The quick sit up made me spin so hard I felt like I was about to pass out... until I felt saliva develop in my mouth. I dashed the duvet away from me and went to sprint for the bathroom until some glorious aromas hypnotised me, making me suddenly stop in my tracks right by the kitchen for my socks to skid on the wooden floors. My abrupt entrance altered fell of my whereabouts as he glanced over to me while cracking eggs into a bowl. Double oh fuck... his shirt sleeves were rolled up revealing his veining arms and muscles. He also did not style his hair as it fell in front of his face... damn it looked silky. During my time in my derealisation, the bathroom behind me broke me out of my trance with the toilet flushing then revealed Scarlett leaving the bathroom also in yesterdays outfit, hair all in knots and slugs and her makeup everywhere.

"Good morning, it seemed you ladies had yourselves entertained last night" Fell blurted out, beginning to whisk the eggs. The two of us in sync let out the biggest groans and mumbles as we dragged our feet to the breakfast bar. Once I was seated, I closed my eyes again and considered resting my head on the counter.

"Ant Scarlett, Scarlett Ant" once I heard my hungover voice, I desperately wanted to jump out the window.

"Nice to meet you Ant... breakfast looks good" Scarlett yawned half way through, rubbing her eyes causing her mascara and eyeliner to blend again.

"Due to my knowledge, I'm conscious that you are an English woman so I believed you two would enjoy an English breakfast"

Okay... it's kinda sweet.

"Is that with the um.. bacon and sausage?" Gagging at the thought of meat, yet I didn't want to be rude.

"You'll like it Grace don't be a pansy" Scarlett playfully nudged for the two of us to instantly regret that as yet again let out a long groan in sync from the sudden movements. Although I couldn't focus on anything, I was pretty certain I heard Fell's gravelled chuckle.

"Um so did I..." I went on to say for my tongue to suddenly be caught. I began to nervously tap my fingers on the counter, as fell patiently waited for me to speak as he was preparing the toast.
"Did I... say or do anything.. weird?" Cringing to myself already, fell shook his head as he began to plate up. The relief I felt, was something else.

"I must say, it was entertaining to spectate you attempt to push off clip on heels" he informed me with a devilish smirk. Scarlett began to snort beside me, still holding her head in her hands.
"May I ask why would that be a concern for you however?" Fell then inquired. The twos eyes laid on me as I just froze, then slowly began to shake my head.

"I dunno. I was drunk" I spoke slowly, my eyebrows raised as I kept glancing between the twos face. Suddenly, Scarlett's eyes went so wide on me I thought they were going to pop out of her face. She then flashed her head over at fells back as he placed the bacon delicately onto the plates with care.

"Oh my god!" She mouthed over at me. Ah, she knows. I gave her a slow head nod until fell turned his back presenting two beautiful plates. Oh, maybe I will like this.

"I must be leaving now to join Bob at the museum. Please enjoy your breakfast and stay away from bottles" he joked, getting a giggle out of Scarlett as she had an egg hanging out of her mouth.

"Yes we will, this is very good I must say" Scarlett hollered as fell went to put on his shoes, giving mittens a little chin scratch at the door.

"Thank you, I only cook the finest" he smiled, spectating me begin to cut a sausage after I was sat contemplating if I could stomach all of this.
"Also Grace, happy birthday. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to take you to the library" he offered, in a gentle tone. The way he said it to me like a shy boy, made me feel more enlightened. Scarlett's chewing slowed as she felt the tension between the two of us, her eyes lingering.

"That would be lovely but um, I'm busy tonight with my parents so maybe tomorrow?" Slanting my head over at him with a smile, he then flashed me one nod.

"Yes that can be arranged. Good day" he placed his coat over his arm then made his exit. The second the door closed, Scarlett exhaled the most dramatised breath ever.

"Oh my god, oh my god. That's him! Oh god Grace" she then cupped her cheeks.

"Yes that's him! I know, I Know! I didn't want to be a side piece but when I was last drunk in his company we may have..." I then slowly placed a cut sausage piece into my mouth while Scarlett stared over at me with the biggest jaw drop.

"Shagged?" She questioned. I shook my head over at her.
"Blow job?"

"No! There was... actually there was-"

"THERE WAS WHAT! Grace, pleaseeee"

"We did um.. kiss" the shame sinking in again.

"No certain actions?"

However, there was a little. I opened my mouth to say 'no' but instead let out a stutter and a sigh.

"Oh my god.... Maybe I should move back to babysit you" she murmured, digging into her food again.


Sorry this was so short! But I gotta say, buckle in for next chapter as it's gonna be ruthless! And maybe a little sentimental

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