Ch.37 | Only When My Cosmo is Extinguished

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It was clear Ruby had lost. She couldn't move, her body refused to listen to her. Limp and cold, she felt the warmth from her body leave. Beeping sounds made by machinery kept her up, but that wouldn't be the case for too long. 

Breathing was hard. Her ribs most likely pierced her lungs, and now she would drown in her own blood. It was painful to lay down, it hurt to breathe, it hurt to stay alive. 'It would end if I died,' she thought, wincing at the mere thought. 

The cold bed and air felt like fire spreading across her cold body.

Something grasped her hand and she couldn't help but open her half-closed eyes. The bruises above her eyelid hurt when her eyes fluttered. Whoever grabbed her hand, took it tenderly and gently. She heard some weeping coming from next to her, but couldn't see who it was. The energy from before spread across her body, it wasn't her energy, it wasn't aura either, but it helped her. 

It was like the painful air stilled, and the raging fire stopped trying to burn her into ash, instead choosing to comfort her and embrace her. She felt the pain ease away as she heard whoever was next to her say sorry, over and over again, he wept. 'I don't understand why you are crying,' Ruby thought, feeling the bruise above her eyes slowly heal, letting her finally see something beyond the blurry and foggy vision from before.  'It's not your fault.'

It was a tall man with brown locks of hair and heterochromatic eyes, they looked saddened, and tears fell from his face as he gently grasped her hand. It was Tenma, he was healing her... but it was also not Tenma, the energy around him was vastly different. She couldn't put her finger on it. She looked at the state of her body. Fiery energy surrounded her. The bruises disappeared and the wounds she suffered slowly closed as if they were never there. 

He was healing her with just his tears and sadness. His eyes resonated with the energy, he leaned back on the chair and put a hand against his forehead, "I am so sorry, Ruby." he grabbed his hair angrily, not anger at her, or at Thanatos who had done this to her, but anger faced at himself. She wanted to move her hand and put it on his head, tell him it wasn't his fault. The man in front of her looked so familiar, and yet, so incredibly distant. 

She forced her eyes to stay open, but he placed his gentle hand over her eyes. A wave of warmth spread across her body and the cold that once made her shake in pain now turned into a gentle heat that embraced her and kept her comfortable. 

Ruby let the warmth take her away into dreamland, where she would stay. The dream from before came to her again. The scary raging fire seemed more saddened than anything, and the pegasus from above wept as it came down.

Ruby wondered what it all meant. She opened her eyes groggily like she had just woken up after three days of partying and looked around. Yang's eyes widened as she ran to her side. She flinched and stopped as if asking for permission.

"I feel fine Yang, no need to stop," She extended her arms and let Yang hug her tightly. It was almost too tight. "Yang, can't breathe!"

"I told you to give up if you found it too hard! Stupid little sister! You could have died!" She was -- rightfully -- angry with Ruby, and Ruby understood why. But something about Thanatos made her not want to back out. Something about him made every fiber in Ruby's body tell her that she should never back out from a fight against someone like him. "What happened to the tournament? Is it still going?"

"That's what you are worried about?!" Yang nagged her, telling her she should worry about herself before anything else. Then, she sighed and rolled her eyes, "Today's the match between Tenma and Thanatos. It's a wonder how they haven't canceled the tournament after what happened to you. Ozpin must be out of his mind."

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