Chapter V - Hierophant

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We move to History class while Professor Mavyr sleepily tells us to turn to page 246 and dozzes off.

I see Touma looking around, tapping his foot in anxiety looking around for who I guess is TBB. But the only thing I could focus on is his so horribly dyed crimson red hair. It's frizzy, dry, with dark and light patches. Something tells me he tried dyeing it properly, but found it too tedious and gave up.

We head on up to chemistry class, then biology, then maths. And up until the last lesson, TBB is nowhere in sight.

I would ask my friends where he is but they would just reply with "Who is TBB?"

Even Pandora forgot about him.

"The Brunette Boy!" I shake Pandora back and forth. "You don't remember???"

"Ohhh!" Pandora finally comes to her senses. "The guy I locked in the Library?

"Ughhh." I groan as I give up.

"Look. If your so worried about your little friend, check on him. End of story."

"How do you not remember him?!? You literally punched him! Do you have amnesia or something?!?"

She places a hand on her hip and raises a brow. "Boy, you literally called him the guy with brown hair. That's kinda fucking dumb if you ask me."

Well, she's got a point. Matter of fact, I don't think anybody remembers his name. "What do you think his name is?"

"It's gotta be Mr. Nobody."

"I call him Mystery Boy." I scoff.

"That's so dumb!" She giggles.

I shake my head and chuckle. "You are so mean."

And we both laugh together.


I pass by the Library and head inside, my loafers tapping each step.

I decided I should check up on him. If Pandora didn't let him out, maybe no one did.

I wearily sneak to The Restricted Section to find the door swung open. Had he already left?

I set my bag aside and peek inside. The room was quiet and sunlit.

There was a disgusting stench coming from within. Like metal and rotting wood piling up. The metal fume stung my nose and to my mouth, where I could taste the bitter rust. I wince as it comes. It smelt like a dead rat.

I debate whether to go inside or stay in my lane. I stay in my lane. But something catches my eye.

A hand hanging above a shelf. It was drooping and wilting, laying still. I narrow my eyes to get a better look.

A Red String tied around it's pinky.

. . .

That's TBB.

Before I could react, I found myself inside The Restricted Section, hiding behind another shelf.


I saw Touma inside too. He called out a name. A name? I didn't quite catch it. He called it out again, yet I couldn't listen. It faded out whenever he said it. Took me long enough to realise it was TBB's real name.

Long enough, he saw the hand dangling from the shelf. His face turned pale, he knew right away who it was.

He tried reaching his hand but he couldn't reach him. So he left the room and in no time, somebody else came.

"Touma." Luka sighed, his voice soft. "What's the matter?"

He said TBB's name again. And as I thought, Luka wasn't able to catch it either. Touma pointed at the top of the shelf where TBB's hand was hanging, and Luka told him to get down, but to no avail.

I caught a glimpse of Lav through my camera. He glanced at Touma and walked away. Not a clue what was going on.

Luka sighs a tired drag before stepping up the shelf like a ladder and reaching for the lifeless hand.

Luka must've sensed me. He looked my way and I quickly turned around, hiding again and not dare move a muscle. But my camera was laying on the floor, capturing everything without my knowledge.

Luka continues. I heard him slide TBB off the roof and carry him to the ground.

There was a moment of silence before I heard Touma's terrible scream, his trembling hands covering his mouth.

His scream was full of fear, dread, and a horrible emotion not even I can name. It echoed through the entire school, horrifying everybody. It came from a pain deep down Touma. My hair stuck up as a cold sweat broke down my forehead.

Now I know one thing. The dead stench came from TBB.


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