The other employees in the room were amazed by his stupidity.  The other brown hair guy is standing in the queue.  I looked straight into the blonde hair guy's eyes and told "You should be thankful that I haven't fired you yet " he was confused by the guy at the next table whispering to him that "She is Ms Choi. CEO'S daughter ". He really looked funny after hearing that. " What's your name " I asked him. A hand extended from his back. The brown hair guy. He said, " I'm changbin and he is Lee know". Before I could say anything Lee know held his hands and rushed outside the canteen.

                       Mr Choi's POV

                 I am currently in my cabin going through files but I can't concentrate on it. It's just been a week but I already started missing my princess. I miss her good morning every day. The way she gets angry is when I skip medication.  She would be here today. She doesn't like skipping office.  I should invite them to my home. They can spend some time with me. Let's call her by evening.

              I was doing my work after a coffee break by 3'o clock. I should complete these files for tomorrow's meeting.  Someone opened my cabin door and came inside without my permission. I'm annoyed. What behaviour!

                            I looked up to witness my princess in my cabin. My total mood brightened up. " Hi appa" she greeted me with a pleasant voice and sat on the couch in my cabin. " Hi, princess I too wanted to call you" I said placing myself next to her. " Appa have you been taking your medicine regularly?  You don't look well. Appa you can't be careless with your health......" she started with her rants.

                        " Princess I'm fine.  I have been taking medicines regularly just that I miss you." I said looking at her. Her mood changed within a second. " Then you shouldn't have made me get married," she said with a stern voice.

                         " Why baby? " I asked her. " Then I would have been with you.  You wouldn't have missed me" Oh god this girl. She started blaming me. " You need not feel like that, princess.  Can you and Taehyung come and stay with me for a week? " I asked her. " Appa what?" She asked with shock lacing her tone. " I asked you to come and stay with me for a week. " I repeated it.

                         After a moment she replied " Ok appa, I will ask Taehyung. Then I'm leaving now." She said picking up her bag. " Princess wait for sometime let's go to home together " I told her ." But appa I should inform uncle " she told me." Ok Princess let me call and inform him. You call Taehyung and invite him to come home."  I said picking up my phone to call

                                 Y/N POV
                     How am I supposed to invite Taehyung to Appa's house? Ugh appa you always make things complicated. I left his cabin to call Taehyung.  I never called him before. What would he think when I call him. Y/N why are you over reacting just call him.

                     I opened his contacts and called him. He picked the call after few rings. " Hello " he said in the other line. His voice sounds even more deep in phone." Hello Y/Nahh" he repeated. " Ah Teahyung appa invited us to his house.  I'm heading with him. " I told him not sure how to ask him to come home.

                   " ok Y/Nahh you go. I'm not still done with office work. I would be late. So, don't wait for me . You both can have dinner and go to bed" he said in one go. " ok Taehyung. Bye" I told . " ok bye Y/N ahh" he said and ended the call.

                   I went back to Appa's cabin. By the time I entered he was already in his files . After sometime we went home and had our dinner.  I don't know when will Taehyung come. He went to office early in the morning and not yet home.  When will he come? Y/N what's wrong with you. Go to sleep. Appa went to his room and I went to my room for sleep.

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