Ch-13 A Family Reunion

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Brawly came back to consciousness in Mustro’s home. He opened his eyes to see his father, Mustro, Mrs. Michisha and King Aeidos. They all were happy and gave him a tight hug. His father even had tears in his eyes.

The king then said

“Come with me to the court, quick!”

He quickly got dressed in the formal attire and went to the court with everybody. Even the judge was smiling, the jury was assembled, and almost everyone was sitting in the bench once only Mrs. Michisha was sitting. Even the king sat in his favor.

“On behalf of the supreme court of Hyuneest, human Brawly is not given a permanent ban from U905 as the king is in favor of him. He has destroyed Lamedernelle and is given the status of “The True Warrior” and will be remembered here until the end of time for his brilliant work. Court Dismissed!”

This trial made him realized that he had proven himself when all hope was lost. This was the best experience of his life.

Later in the evening, the shards were broken into a million pieces of glass, and were made into a diamond through which Brawly could communicate with Mustro whenever he wanted to, if he ever wants to return to Hyuneest

He and his dad were given a scrumptious dinner by the king and the both of them had a fun time But it was time now. They had to return back to Earth now.

“Goodbye Brawly!” said Mustro and then teleported him and his father back to Earth.

They were back on Earth. Brawly was happy to have made a return. But they had three problems now-

1.           Brawly had school tomorrow, and exams were starting the day after tomorrow, and

2.           They had a lot of explaining for Mom.

3.           They had to hide his father, as he was presumed dead by everyone

Months have passed….

Brawly’s seventh grade journey was over. He lay in his bed on a Sunday afternoon, and suddenly the thought of Hyuneest came to his mind. He felt at peace remembering U905….

This story ends somewhere on our own blue planet, a place which is not unknown to me at all. It ends in a room belonging to a boy with the purest of hearts, finest knowledge, and the most endurance. He toughed out every situation he encountered.

But above all, this boy had an experience of a lifetime, the experience of his Interstellar redemption.



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