Ch-11 A Space Rescue

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Brawly woke up in a bed, nervous for what the day had in store for him, at Mrs. Michisha’s home. He saw that she was still asleep. So he softly left for Mustro’s house. He asked Mustro if he could get some formal clothes for the royal court: he couldn’t have gone to the royal court in casual clothes, for obvious reasons.

Mustro gave him the formal attire of Hyuneest, which included an orange robe with blue on the borders with a green scarf wrapped around the neck. On the inside was a black shirt and pant. The robe was tied around the waist with a blue belt; similar to the ones wore by martial artists.

While dressing he was still nervous; after all, he was going to the royal court with no one in favor of him except Mrs. Michisha.

And so, he was ready. He set off for the castle, and upon reaching, asked them where the royal court was. He followed the directions given to him and finally reached the court.

In the court he was that everyone was already there except the judge, King Aeidos and Mustro. He saw that only Mrs. Michisha was in favor of him, sitting on the bench behind his seat. A jury was present there too.

As he seated himself and indulged into thoughts about his court trial, the king entered the room and seated himself in his own royal seat.

While waiting for the trial to start, he looked around the court. The court was more advanced than the ones he had seen on television at home. There were no files, but the absence was explained when he saw that there was a device that looked vaguely similar to a supercomputer on the judge’s desk. The left wall was decorated by portraits of the king’s ancestors, and the right walls had the portraits of the previous judges. The furniture was very comfortable and luxurious.

An hour had passed by and there were still no signs of the judge, so the king sent his guards to go and fetch the judge.

They returned in about fifteen minutes, but they still hadn’t gotten any information on the judge’s whereabouts. Just as Mrs. Michisha started getting worried about her son, the judge, someone busted right into the court, looking tensed. It was Mustro, and he was panting, but he still managed to say-

“Your majesty, the judge has been kidnapped! It is King Wulfur who has done so! He kidnapped him to listen to the complete legend and use the power of Lamedernelle!”

“WHAT! We need to rescue him, but our task force has not recovered from the war! I will have to take matters in my own hands.” The king took a deep breath, and as he left the court he shouted:

“COURT DISMISSED! Trial is postponed! Guards, follow me!”

The jury along with Mrs. Michisha and Mustro evacuated the room. Mrs. Michisha looked very tense. Even though Brawly was stressed and would have rather went back, the sight of her so sad stopped him from doing so. He had seen his mother cry once, and that dreadful sight haunted him to that day. He though that no mother deserved to be worried because their son was in danger.

He was now determined to rescue the judge.

And so he set off, running at the fastest speed he could possibly run at in search of the castle. The guards denied him entry but he distracted him with his binoculars which Astrouse often found strange. As they observed it, he snatched it back and ran. The guards ran after him and he was about to fall down, but then his Astralo rose once again and he outran all of them. A blue, and this time yellow, aura rose around him and suddenly he was the fastest. After all, the protagonist never loses, and he was one in the tale of his own life. The guards stood in astonishment. After a minute of running, he found the king who shouted at him.

“What are you doing here?! Can’t you spot the emergency?”

“Your majesty, I am here to he-”


“PLEASE! I am willing to risk my life! I want to save the judge!”

The king looked at Brawly as if he was out of his mind, exchanging looks with his courtiers. But suddenly, the king had changed his mind.

“But there’s one condition. If you fail, you will receive a permanent ban from our galaxy.”

“I agree, your majesty!”

“Then come with me!”

The king escorted him to a space-port which could fly in space while being attached to Hyuneest. He started the engine right away, and before Brawly could realize, they were floating in space, inside of a floating space-port attached to the now ruined planet, which was earlier beautiful Hyuneest.

The king gave him the special interstellar spacesuit which looked like a modified version of human spacesuit. It also had a radio telephone which connected to the space-port for communication, so that Brawly could keep informing the king and call him in case of an emergency.

And so, he jumped out of the spaceship. The absence of air pressure made him feel as if his head could burst anytime. He took a minute or two to get the hang of it. Even though the view was beautiful and he could have gazed at the great star of Taaron, he looked forward and started moving towards Dravastian.

He turned on the radio telephone and informed him that he had started to see a special chamber on the lands of Dravastian. He sped himself up with the jetpack he had been given on the back of his suit. This was definitely the chamber the king was in. Brawly tore apart the roof which was made of cloth and broke into the chamber and informed the king that he had done so. What he saw, was an unbearable sight……

Interstellar RedemptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora