Ch-7 The Beginning Or The End?

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The very next day, Brawly woke up with only hatred for the Dravice. He had made his mind now. He was going to help Mustro defeat the evil. Just as he was going to tell Mustro his decision, he realized something that made his hands tremble-
He had not been home since one day! His mother would be worried.
He ran to Mustro and told him to send him back to Earth.
“Why?” asked Mustro.
“I haven’t been home since one day! My mother would be worried!”
“No need to rush Brawly, one day here is a minute on Earth” said Mustro, with a bored face.
This made Brawly feel kind of dumb, but now that that problem was solved, he was ready to tell his decision to Mustro.
“Mustro, I have made my mind. I will help Hyuneest in the war against Dravastian!”
Mustro was very happy to hear this. He seriously could have shed tears, but he wiped them off.
“But Brawly you’re not ready to help us yet. To the training ground, then!”
Even though training sounded like a tedious task, Brawly was ready to agree to anything to help him. So they had their breakfast in the form of tasty Choritos, and then they set off for the training ground.
The training ground was gigantic with at least ten thousand people on it. It was covered in blue Hyunestian grass and was well-facilitated.. It also had huge tube lights, similar to the ones found in cricket stadiums. They were obviously not turned on at the moment, as it was only morning and the great star of Taaron illuminated the entire galaxy.
They both found an empty place to practice and did some warm up.
“So where’s the coach who’ll teach me?” asked Brawly.
“The coach is right in front of you! It’s me, Mustro.”
“Okay Mustro, funny joke, but seriously where is the coach?”
“It’s me!”
“Do you think I would believe that a space mpuse can teach me?”
“I AM AN ASTROUSE, HOW MANY TIMES DO I TELL YOU! And do not judge a book by its cover; for your kind information, I have a degree in spatial arts from Antaralay University. Try defeating me, if you can!”
And there they began with a duel. He ran towards Mustro to hit him with a punch, but then he saw that Mustro was actually behind him and he hit him with a charged smack on his head.
It was not that Brawly believed Mustro, and asked him how he did that. It came as a shock to Brawly, that a space mouse who looked like a nerd could be this powerful; even if that sounds bit rude. Mustro then taught Brawly about Astralo, which is a method of utilizing aura as power and energy. He taught him how to use it and when to use it.
Now as Brawly was prepared, they took a break and sat down on a bench. Suddenly, they could hear grunts of a dark voice over a megaphone, and dark clouds appeared overhead, obscuring the sky. These looked like omens of catastrophe….
They could see someone on a black cloud above them. Mustro was left stunned.
“Who’s that?” asked Brawly out of curiosity.
With every second, the dark voice rose. The suspense was unnerving. The voice was very deep, and deciphering what it said was very difficult. But in an instant, the voice turned back to normal
“Oh LORD! Now where did my voice amplifier fall?”
There was a loud laugh heard all around. But Mustro didn’t laugh.
His mouth was wide open. Brawly tried to explain him how flies could enter his mouth, but he didn’t budge. He was struggling to speak
“Aw come on Mustro, stop with the weird snake mimicries alright.”
“i-i-i-iss th-a-a-aaat k-ki-“
“Speak clearly”
“FINE! I was just trying to make the chapter more dramatic. That is King Wulfur of DRAVASTIAN!”
“You’re kiddi-”
Just as Brawly was going to say this, suddenly the voice started speaking again, this time more clearly.. And now it was crystal clear to Brawly, it was the not-so-great King Wulfur speaking, who was a stout but evil looking creature similar to the robot Brawly encountered in his room, and wore a crown with a very shabby royal cape.
“I am King Wulfur, the great emperor of Dravastian. I am not here to feel around and eat your stupid Bread and Crobbli. Now first things first, don’t act dumb. I know that you know I am here for the final shard to complete the Lamedernelle! So as you losers supposedly don’t give up, a war is ready for you all on the 17th  of Mantabre! Enjoy yourselves; enjoy making your foolish plans to defeat me!”
And then he disappeared in an instant, along with the pitch dark clouds he had brought along.

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