Ch-2 Continuation For The Worse

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Brawly reached home with the help of his friends, who thankfully didn’t seize this opportunity to tease him. His mother, upon seeing what had happened, immediately bandaged his hand and started his healing process. This was one of the only times he was fortunate for having a mother who is also a doctor. Even though his mother scolded him a lot, he loved her very dearly, she being his only guardian. She was just as average looking as him, but to Brawly she looked better than only beauty model. She had long brown hair that went as low as her knees. She almost always had a white coat, as she would often rush to the the hospital in case of an emergency. She was her role model, as she had the best of all worlds.
Brawly ate his food and went straight to bed. But it was not long before the realization hit him; he had a test tomorrow and he was totally unprepared. But he was too exhausted and definitely not in the mood for studying. It seemed as if the entire world wanted him to sleep as his bed felt very comfy and his pillow was as soft as a feather. Even though he wanted to get up and study, he was in deep sleep before he could notice it.

He woke up to worse situations, and compared to usual, things had been way worse. He was already late due to sleeping late yesterday, and to top it all of like the cherry on top of a cake, there was no electricity. He took a bath with cold water, as even though he hated it, he had no choice, and he had to face it. And today for some reason, the school bus was earlier than it was supposed to be. And just when he thought things could not get worse, annoying Anthony was on the bus that day. Anthony was a blond boy who was the popular kid at Brawly’s school. Brawly never really understood his popularity though, as he was the most annoying person Brawly had ever encountered in his life. As the bus driver waited for Brawly to arrive, Anthony seized the opportunity to make fun of him. According to Anthony, Brawly twisting his wrist and injuring himself was his so-called “skill issue”. Even though Brawly originally planned to ignore Anthony, he was getting on his nerves. But to avoid getting scolded, he didn’t let out his rage in front of his mother.
He waited until he got into the bus and when he entered, he saw everybody was ready with their snacks, because oh boy, they were in for a roller coaster of a ride. The most epic banter was about to unfold right in front of their eyes. Even though everyone knew who was going to come out as a clear winner, they still were excited. After all, this was going to be Brawly, the kid known most for his talent of being funny, fighting against their grade’s most popular boy, Anthony. But what they didn’t know was the fact that they were going to get the shock of their middle school careers.

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