Ch-5 The Problem

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The shady figure threw his cloak outside the window and revealed itself in Brawly’s room as a space mouse who was fairly short and wore an orange jumpsuit. He gave off an astronaut vibe. In his hand was a weapon which looked like a Taser which also worked like a torch. He emitted a light with that torch, that made Brawly’s blue shirt and red track pants glow.
“Any questions?” he asked.
Brawly started speaking faster than the maglev train from China itself-
“Who are you? Who was he? Why did you shoot him? What is Dravice? What is Hyunestian? Why are you here? ‘Why was that robot here? Why me?”
The figure stood surprised, and said-
“Whoa! Slow down buddy. I will tell you everything! I am Mustro, and similar to as you are a human, I am an Astrouse. My galaxy’s name is U9O5, which is very small with only our system which has only three planets; those three being Dravastian, Hyuneest and Satreace. Those three stars revolve around the great star of Taaron. I am from Hyuneest. So, as I was saying,-”          
Mustro took a pause seeing that Brawly was slacking off. To be fair, Mustro’s voice was kind of monotonous.
“Hey! WHY are you SLACKING OFF?”
To paint himself in a good light, he said-
“Yes, actually, I was not asleep, I was just sleeping. But hey! I did listen to you. You are a mouse right? Yes that’s what you just said.”
Mustro’s patience had waned -
“NO! I am an Astrouse!”
“Yea you are a space mouse, Mustro!”
This was the moment Brawly realized he had bitten more than he could possibly have chewed
Mustro calmed himself then repeated what he said, and Brawly listened this time, as he had learned his lesson. He also told him that the robot was from Dravastian, and was here to recruit him for their evil deeds. Mustro was here as his planet was in need of help. But a thought came to his mind which raised suspicion for Mustro. He wondered if all of this was just a very elaborate prank. So to check is this wasn’t just some science fiction, he asked Mustro if he could take him to his planet, Hyuneest. Mustro thought this was a great idea. But before they went, he told him two things; one, that he didn’t need to worry for their language as their galaxy had adopted English instead of their original language, glaussha, and second, that their planet also had oxygen. Mustro then asked Brawly to close his eyes for three seconds, and then they were magically on Hyuneest.
It was beautiful! Brawly stood there in amazement after seeing the natural beauty of Hyuneest, which was made better with the gorgeous Hyunestian plants, which were a pleasant colorful surprise. Houses were small, but very advanced with all types of security. He also realized that almost everyone wore the same clothes that Mustro wore, all of them just differing in the patterns drawn on their jump suits.
But just as Brawly gazed around, he saw a crowd rushing towards the both of them.
“Who are they?” asked Brawly.
Mustro looked at who Brawly was talking about, and started panicking. “They are the people who are ruining Hyuneest’s beauty! They’re the Dravice! They are the problem! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!”

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