Ch-6 The Great Lamedernelle War

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After rushing out of that near disaster, they finally got a chance to catch their breath at Mustro’s place. Brawly decided to do a little bit of joking and asked Mustro-
“What in the U9O5 galaxy is going on?”
But on a much more serious note, he asked him what this problem was, which he seemed to be talking about. Mustro sighed. He looked lost and confused.
“Before we get to that, I want to ask you something.”
“Have some empty space in there for some tasty Choritos?”
They laughed for at least fifteen minutes straight, and this is not an exaggeration.
Mustro then took Brawly to the nearest restaurant to have some good Hyunestian food, which included some of Mustro’s favorite dishes. These were Fotu Wandsitches, delicious cabon, and Brawly’s favorite dish, Bread and Crobbli. If you ask me why those names sound so familiar, I am sorry as even I am yet to find that out. Carrying on, they both went to Mustro’s home, which was just like Brawly’s room, to get a good night worth of sleep.

The next day, Brawly asked Mustro about “the problem” again. He started explaining; and said it was a very long story, and the long story goes as follows-
A few years ago, like the start of any tragedy, everything in the galaxy was going smoothly in peace, excluding a few interruptions from the Dravice. But one very unfortunate day, the infamous king of the Dravice, king Wulfur, discovered the legendary Lamedernelle blade which supposedly held the power to provide one with eternal life. This blade was said to have been forged from the heat of the great star of our galaxy, Taaron. Long ago, this blade had gotten in the hands of evil. And like any fairytale, the heroes of our galaxy destroyed the blade into three shards with one buried in the great depths of each planet of the galaxy. But as wisely said, those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And thus, the evil and greedy king sent messengers throughout his planet, to learn more on how to wield the blade. This was because living an eternal life, equated to having more power and wealth than anybody, meaning he’d rule this galaxy forever. This would make him the overlord, the greatest emperor in the U9O5 galaxy.
To his surprise, he got no replies. This was because the legend was kept hidden from Dravastian. So, in hopes of getting an answer, he sent the same message to the other two planets in the galaxy. Nobody answered him as everybody knew he was up to no good. Sadly, an Astrouse and a human went to the king to answer him, as they were both interested in history and everything to do with it. People stopped them, but they weren’t the type of people to listen. Unfortunately, they were never to be seen again.
Upon being asked who that Astrouse was, Mustro said that some things are better off kept shut about.
Moving forward, Mustro said that the three shards were the shards of prosperity, inner peace and humanity.
And thus the king began, ruthlessly killing anything that came in his way. He found the first shard easily on his own planet.  For the second shard, he started his campaigns in the most peaceful planet of them all, Satreace. The kind people over there unknowingly surrendered and gave away their shard, because they weren’t so fond of battling.
“And now, as for the final shard, it is just between Dravastian and Hyuneest.” said Mustro, “Although most would’ve chosen surrendering, our brave king Aeidos, is still at it. And this great battle, which can commence any day now, is coined by many as ‘The Great Lamedernelle War’.”
“And coming back to what happened yesterday, was the Dravice rushing to blackmail everyone on here to support them, for which they use Brute force. And so, if you would like to help us Brawly, tell me tomorrow. “

For the rest of the day, Mustro took Brawly to some important monuments and museums which elucidate the history of the great planet of Hyuneest and of the U9O5 galaxy.

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