Val-Yor: You're going down.

Both metal fists slam down on the assembly with all his weight behind them. Instantly, smoke starts to billow from the tail section and the crippled Locrix fighter tumbles out of control.

Mason: Did he just take down that ship with his bare hands?

Cyborg: Looks like it.

It zooms so close to the group that they almost have to dive for cover. Val-Yor, meanwhile, is still spreadeagle on the fuselage, trying to bring the thing in for anything other than a fatal crash landing; the five young heroes stare open-mouthed.

Cyborg: Come on, man, you can do it!

A low glide over the bay, a sudden shift of body weight, and the ship turns to follow the shore instead of plowing into the city proper. It reaches the adjacent forest, plunges among the trees, and finally smashes to ground in a clearing. Close-up of Robin and Starfire.

Starfire: Is he...?

Both start toward the crash site. Dissolve to a long shot of the approaching Titans and tilt down to frame the flaming leftovers of this high-speed, low-altitude firefight. Zoom in as a silhouette emerges from within the inferno and resolves into Val-Yor; not a scratch or scorch mark on him, then cut to a close-up of his chest and tilt up to his head as he speaks.

Val-Yor: It takes more than a plasmatic implosion to bring down Val-Yor.

The Titans cannot believe that he or any other fellow could survive such a cataclysmic wipeout. Dazedly, Starfire pulls out a camera and snaps a picture before the view fades to black.


Opening shot: the dumbfounded Titans, who stare for several seconds before the camera cuts to the approaching Val-Yor and zooms in. His own ship makes a very neat landing behind him now. Cut to him, Mason Robin, Beast Boy, and Raven.

Robin: That was some amazing flying.

Val-Yor: Thanks. Val-Yor of Vernathia. Pleased to meet you.

Robin: I'm Robin, and we're the Teen Titans. That's Raven...

She waves.

Robin: ...Beast Boy...

He nods.

Robin: And this is my brother Nomad.

Cut to Mason who just nods his head.

Cyborg: Cyborg. Man, you sure know how to make an entrance.

The cat still has Starfire's tongue.

Val-Yor: It's all in a day's work.

Beast Boy, now in "Super Deformed" style, gazes wonderingly up at the visitor; one of his eyes bugs out as he speaks.

Beast Boy: You do that every day?

Val-Yor: Nope. Most days, I fight more than just two of 'em.

He smiles; now Raven is also SD.

Raven: So today's a slow day for you?

Val-Yor: Exactly.

Gag ends. He stares, suddenly puzzled; cut to the reason, Starfire, who has finally regained her power of speech.

Teen Titans: NomadWhere stories live. Discover now