Chapter 58: Nightmare's Love

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Error's POV hours later

Once figuring out everything that happened, letting it sink in and explaining it to Paps, I start searching for Nighty. Apparently for him, only a few hours passed in my absence and he only returned home because Perl got worried about me. I see Nightmare's future self hanging up abaove, tied and gagged in loose strings that were lying around for him to use. I shrug it off as I open a code screen to find Nighty's location. It was pretty easy once putting in "Nightmare trapped in future chains", so I quickly found myself on my way to free him after his future self got taken back to his proper time. I wander down a winding staircase carefully, only having a nearby candle that I snatched to light the way. I reach the bottom and of course get the warmest welcome that I could get from my boyfriend in this dark cell......

By getting a tentacle slicing inches away from my head into the nearest wall and hearing him hiss.

Yep. That's my boyfriend. King of negativity and VERY grumpy currently. I see the chains strain to the keep the tentacle from getting free, pulling loudly to get it back away. The enchantments on the chains glow dimly in the dark. Then I see his eye staring in my direction, a small thin line to show just how angry he is.

"As soon as I get these chains off, I am going to kill you and make you suffer every second!"He snaps

"WoW, aNd I tHoUgHt oUr aNnIvErSaRy c0uLdn'T gEt bEtTeR."I say sarcastically

"Glitchy?"He gasps, his eye turning to a heart already

"ThAt'S mE. I aM hErE tO gEt yOu oUt."I say, walking over to him

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? How close are you to crashing? I could sense that you were being violated and going to crash! I am going to kill that bastard!"He asks worriedly, growing angry again

I set the candle down, examining the chains.

"I Am OkAy. He jUsT gOt wAy t0o tOuChY. He iS gOnE nOw bUt d0n't cAlL yOuRsElF tHaT."I say

"What?"He asks

"ThE bAsTaRd wAS yOuR FUtUrE sElF tHaT gOt pArAnoId aNd tHoUghT tHaT bReAkInG uS uP wOuLd SoMehOw iMpRoVe tHinGs."I say

"You...didn't listen?"

"We aRe sTiLl hAvIng oUr aNnIvErSaRy, aReN't We? AfTeR tOdAy, i rEaLlY jUsT wAnt t0 rElAx aNd cUdDlE wIth mY rEaL bOyfRiEnD, nIgHtY."I tell him, ripping some of the chains off of him

His tentacles get free and start slithering down my body to check my conditions anyway. I smile, relaxing into his touch that my body recognizes, only slightly glitching in comparison to how it was with the fraud.

"Wait, anniversary? How long have I been stuck down here?"He asks

"HmMmm, sInCe bUfFeR bAsiCaLlY pAUsEd yOuR bAtTlE."I say, then feel two realizations hit me

I was not running from my boyfriend under the influence of pink paint but a clingy, paranoid future version of him...That I also overwhelmed with affection under the influence of Ink's shit as well. My face burns up at the thoughts, feeling upset that it wasn't truly him but also embarrassed about the memories.

"Did I miss much besides what I could sense?"He asks

"N0tHiNg tHaT i wAnT tO diScUsS riGhT nOw."I reply

"I hope he wasn't too crazy under the influence of Ink's crap. And your destructions spree was amazing to sense. You've never destroyed so much all at once."He says he is aware of that much....Hmm...Maybe I could treat him to that today...It's normal for an anniversary, isn't it?

I smile widely at my ideas.

As soon as I break the last chain on him, he leaps onto me, kissing my cheeks affectionately. Then I feel a tentacle slither under my shirt and poke my sensitive rib. I flinch from pain.

"Oh? What's this? A wound on my precious Glitchy? That won't do."He says as his tentacles take my jacket off, pulling my shirt up.

I can only see his eye in the dark and his silhouette hinted at by the light of the candle. I feel his fingers crawl up my bones until he reaches the rib that made me flinch.

"A bite mark? Oh Glitchy...."He says, a tentacle gently petting my cheek

I can't help but smile, hearing the concern in his voice and relaxing into his touch. My glitching settles, seeming better with the long-missed contact from him. The real him.

"ThAt bAsTaRd gOt t0o cOmForTaBlE tOdAy."I say

"Was that when you realized it wasn't me?"He asks

"I hAd mY sUsPiCiOnS pRiOr sInCe mY b0dY wAs wAy tOo qUiCk tO cRaSh wHeN hE toUcHed mE, aS iF hE wAs a sTrAnGeR. AnD DrEaM wArNeD mE ThAT hE cOuLd tElL tHaT iT wAsN'T yOu. He hAd pOsSeSoVe iDeAs tHaT yOuR bRoThEr cOuLd sEnSe aPpaReNtLy. HiS bEhaViOr cOnfiRmEd It."I tell him

"My brother could tell? Why was he near you?"He asks, his tentacles continuing to feel my body

"I wAs cHaTtInG wItH bLuE aNd He wAs tHeRe deAliNg wItH InK. He aPolOgiZeD siNcErElY tO mE aNd hAs tUrNeD oVeR a NeW lEaF. He pRovEd tHaT bY sEnDiNg wHo wE tHoUgHt tO bE yOu tO mE wHeN i WaS haViNg tHe bReAkdOwN tHaT cAuSed tHe dEstRuCtIoN oF tHoSe AuS. He diD nOt f0rCe hIs wAy iNtO tHe piCtUrE tO pLaY hErO f0r oNcE aNd sHowEd tHaT hE unDeRsToOd thAt i aM haPpY wiTh yOu, nOt hIm."I explain to him

"Wow....."He says, sounding shocked.

Then I notice something. I glance down at myself to see that all my clothes are off as the tentacles slither around me as they please.

"NiGhTy!"I snap, my face burning up

"Oh relax, Glitchy. I want to check you for injuries before I proceed."He says, his heart for an eye glowing brightly

"CaN wE nOt d0 iT hErE?"I ask

He snaps his fingers and I feel my back hit gentle pillows, my vision taking a few seconds to catch up to the change of scenery. I glance around, seeing that I am in his bed and all the doors are locked automatically. I glance up, seeing Nighty climbing on top of me as his tentacles feel me down. My clothes lay nearby but I notice something different about him. Now covered in his goopy form is the outline of a scarf around his neck.

Could that be....? Did I really impact the past, even by that much?

"Now tell me Glitchy..."He says, catching my attention as he leans in.

"Hm?"I ask as he leans his head near my neck.

"Why do I have you in my past memories so suddenly?"He asks

"Um, sO yOuR bRoThER fRoM tHe fUtUrE cAmE aS weLl, tAkIng mE tO tHe fUtUrE aNd tElLinG mE nOt tO liStEn t0 yoUr fUtUrE sElF. ThEn hE sEnt mE tOo fAr baCk t0 y0ur pAsT."I tell him

"I see...Well now I have two scarves from you."He says

His grin widens as his tentacles slip back to him.

"Okay so you aren't wounded anywhere else so I can proceed."He says

"Pr0c3eD wiTh whAt?"I ask as a tentacle pushes my head deeper against a pillow

I feel the crown get slipped off.

"Giving you all the affection that I couldn't give you before."He whispers, his breath tickling my neck.

My face burns up, feeling him start to kiss my neck.

Welp, there go my ideas...Maybe another day I could try it.

He continues to gently shower me with affection through kisses and gentle touches either by his hands or tentacles. I couldn't help myself from melting under his touch.

"NiGhTy...."I say softly with a smile stuck to my face

"I've missed hearing your wonderful voice. Happy anniversary, my beloved Glitchy."He says, kissing his way down my ribs.

"I lOvE y0u..."I say as things start to blur in my vision

"You're so adorable, Glitchy."He says, feeling my cheek softly

This anniversary is ending wonderfully.


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now