Chapter 42: A Week's Affection

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Error's POV

"I'm sorry Error. I didn't realize I was doing that much. I'll dial it back."He says

"It'S nOt fUnNy."I say, crossing my arms

"Of course not. I'm sorry for laughing."He says

I turn, trying to untie the straps at the back of my waist.

"What are you up to now?"He asks

"Getting this off of me."I say, sliding the sleeves off

I don't really think about it. I'm with Nightmare and I'm comfortable with him. I don't have to worry about getting assaulted like I would with Reaper or Dream. I find a corset underneath the dress, trying to force my body into a more feminine frame. No wonder it's so tight. I try to untie it but couldn't reach it.

"Oooo!~"He coos

"DoN't sTaRt."I say, feeling my face burning still

He smiles, stepping closer and going behind my back.

"That crown suits you, Error. And your body looks lovely. You looked so badass knocking Reaper and Dream away with that whip too.~"He coos, grabbing the laces of the corset

"Y-YoU sAw aLl tHaT? YOu wErE tHerE?!"I ask

When I was running and in that pond bathing, thinking I was alone....When I was dealing with their shit and worried about him...HE WAS THERE?!

"Mhm, I didn't want to startle you so I didn't approach. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. Oh, Error...Your back..."He says as I feel the weight get lifted

He slips the corset off of me and I feel his hands brush down my back.

"YeAh, i kNoW. SpEnT a wEek wIth piRaTeS bEfOrE fLeEiNg. ToOk fOrEvEr tO gEt mY hAnDs fReE aNd tHeY tOoK aDvAnTaGe. ThoSe sCaRs rEalLy sTiNg."I say

I jolt, feeling a weird sensation run up my back from a scar. Then on another scar. And another.

Chu!~ x8

"NiGhTmArE!"I exclaim, catching onto what he is doing.

"I am just enjoying giving you affection. Your scars are wonderful and I just want to soothe the pain."He says, his arms wrapping around me and gripping my chest.

He rests his head on my shoulder and I shut my eyes, trying to relax. I smile, relaxing into his touch. Then I feel him squeeze my chest and squeak, jolting from that.

"You're so strong, Error."He says

Then I feel a tug at my wrist. I glance down, seeing three strings extending from my wrist. Purple, Orange, and yellow. I poke at the other two strings, images of Shattered and Dream entering my vision when I poked two of them. I frown, getting sick of this. Then I see the purple one connected to Nighty's soul. I see words appear above our heads.

"Survive a week together for soulmate to be determined."It reads

"Everything okay, Glitchy?"He asks

I nod.

"LoOkS liKe wE aRe gOiNg tO bE hErE fOr a wHiLE."I say

"Oh really?"He asks

"We hAvE t0 bE hErE f0r a w3eK bEf0rE tHeY lEaVe uS aL0nE."I say, untying the string from my wrist and summoning my soul

"Fine with me as long as I can keep you safe in my hold."He says

I tie it to my soul instead and grin. Then I cut myself loose from the other strings. I smirk, looking at the clothing fabric and starting to tear it. Nighty is happy as long as I stay in his hold. I start sewing the clothes back together in my own design and smile, temporarily getting out of his hold to put it on. I turn to him and smile, seeing how well it came together. His face burns a deep red and his eyes twinkle.

"You look beautiful...."He says, sounding breathless

I smile at him, then see it get dark outside. He steps closer, brushing his hand on my cheek gently. I see some dust or light materials rub off onto his hand.

"WhAt's tHaT?"I ask

"Seems that they put makeup on you, Error. What would you like to do?"He says

"SlEeP....wItH yOu. I wiLl gO wAsH tHiS sTuFf oFf."I say, heading out of the room

"Wait!"He says, grabbing my hand

He turns me around and before I could react, he kisses me. I feel my face burn and he pulls away.

"I want to kiss you after all that happened."He says

I chuckle, seeing his face now.

"NoW wE bOtH hAvE tO cLeAn uP."I say

He takes my hand and we go away to wash off. Once we complete that, we go back to the room. We settle into bed, dozing off and I take off my glasses. The next morning I wake up, feeling relaxed with him. I sit up and smile. I glance over at his sleeping figure and smile wider. This is really happening. He's here with me. I start tying my hair in strands of braids to get it under control. He opens an eye as I was finishing up and grins.

"Hey handsome.~"He coos, sitting up.

I really need to start learning how to get used to his affection...

"MoRnInG NiGhTmArE. WhAt sHoUlD wE tRy dOiNg tOdAy?"I ask

"Hmm, I will find some work around here to pay for this room and stuff..."He says, still waking up

"SoUnDS g0oD. i wiLl-"I begin

"Stay here where I know you are safe."He says

"AnD d0 wHaT eXaCtLy?"I ask

"Whatever you please. I just don't want to lose you."He says, sitting up.

I smile a bit, feeling some comfort in having to deal with his protective nature.

"AlRiGhT tHeN..."I say

He climbs out of bed and walks out the door once fixing his clothes and giving me a kiss on the cheek. Not even an hour later there is a knock at the door and I can sense a dark presence on the other side.

"Oh Error.~ We have a deal to discuss. My alliance for your soul."Shattered says on the other side of the door

The hell? Fuck this shit! I am out! Hell to the NO!

I climb out the window and start wandering away from the inn before he could realize that I left.

"Stay here!" He says! "You're safe here!"He says! He just had to say it for things to be jinxed!

Little do I know that Shattered is the least of my worries today.


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now