Chapter 28: Clingy Crush Cracking

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Nightmare's POV hours later

"Error! We're back!"I shout as we come through the portal

Perl comes running over, purring as he slips around my ankles. It's very quiet. Everyone starts going away to their rooms to do their own thing. I kneel down, petting Perl.

"Do you know where Error is?"I ask

He shakes his head no, continuing to purr.


I don't sense any negativity from him so he isn't in trouble. Still, I can tell that he isn't here which has me curious.

"Boss you should probably wash that icky stuff off of you before it sinks in."Horror says, already cooking away

I head up the stairs, curious on where Error is. Perl follows close behind me, starting to hiss. I glance down, seeing the chemicals sink into my goop and giving off a burning sensation. Ugh, this is serious. I head to the bathroom, washing off what I could but notice how I am shrinking down as I do so and my tentacles are merging with my legs. When I got out, I was shorter than the toilet. I slip out of the bathroom, going to Error's room to see if he is there. His room is empty. I frown, heading back to get my phone. I type on it, asking where he is. Then I get a notification from 404's profile. Yea I follow him, he is connected with Error and Cipher so I want to keep up with his activity. I see a picture of a cafe window from the outside. The picture is captioned:"Look who I set up on a date!" The picture loads, showing Error with a stranger, laughing happily with drinks on the table.

That word hits me hard. Date. Error on a date.

Did I miss my chance...?

I hear Perl meow and I start feeling dizzy, passing out.

Error's POV an hour later

"ByE bUfFeR!"I say

"Talk to you again soon!"He says, opening a portal for me

I go through and he shuts it. I smile, having enjoyed my time out with him. My phone dings with a notification from 404's profile. I see his post of us hanging out and see his caption.

It wasn't a date! He may have intended that but it was just a first-meet hangout!

I point this out in response to his post so that it's public knowledge. And I don't want fools targeting Buffer to get to me over false information. He's innocent. I hear whimpers and purrs, glancing to see Perl in the doorway with a little octopus. Perl runs to me, purring happily and slipping around my feet. I kick off my shoes, sitting down. I hear little whimpers and see the little octopus running to me, goopy and taking shape again. I see that it's Nightmare with tentacles for legs with his arms reaching for me, tears in his eyes as he releases a loud cry. He clings to my ankle, rubbing his head against my leg and whimpering.

"NiGhTmArE? WhAt hApPeNeD tO yOu?"I ask

He doesn't answer, only whimpering more.

"WhAt'S wRoNg?"I ask, picking him up

He goes silent, bowing his head. I wipe his tears.

"WaIt...Is eVeRyOnE bAcK?"I ask

He nods.

"OoH....I aM sOrRy, NiGhT. I diDn'T ExPeCt tO bE gOnE fOr So lOnG. 404 tRiEd tO sEt mE uP bUt iT oNlY eNdEd uP bEiNg a NeW fRiEnD tO mEeT."I say

He glances up at me curiously, looking confused. I wipe his tears again.

"I aM s0rRy f0r w0rRyiNg y0u."I say, then notice his gaze trailing upwards

I glance up, seeing multiple puppets hanging on strings. He starts hopping, cooing and trying in vain to grab one of the puppets. I get up, pulling the string down. He hops up, snatching a puppet of me and cuddling it close. He squeezes it tightly to him, seeming happier now. I set him on my bed and head out of the room, only to hear him begin to cry out again.

"DoEs aNyOnE kNoW wHy NiGhTmArE iS sMaLl AnD iNcOhErEnT?"I ask as he scrambles over to me, clinging to my leg

"He got hit with icky chemicals and must've washed too late when we got back."Killer says

I feel a tug at my ankles and I slip, hitting the ground hard. Then I feel myself get dragged across the floor.

"You okay, Error?"Killer asks

"NiGhTmArE iS cLiNgY."I say, getting pulled to the bean bag seat

Nightmare snaps his fingers, having blankets wrap around us. He snuggles into my arms as Perl cuddles up in my lap. The slightest movement has Nightmare hugging me tighter. He looks up at me, his eye turning into a heart. He whimpers as I grab a book to read. Then I feel a pain in my chest, seeing my soul that was glitched into a human shape get flipped back to a monster soul. My body cracks and trembles and after a few minutes of pain, I am a skeleton again. Nightmare looks up at me and smiles, giving out little chirps. I smile at him, then get a call on my phone. It's 404.

"HeY cReePy liAr."I say

"I tAke iT y0u d0n'T liKe tHe p0st?"He asks

"NoPe."I say

"WaiT. ArE y0u iNt0 soMe0nE? Sh1T! I pRobAbLy rUinEd yOuR cHaNcEs! I w1lL dElEtE tHe pOsT! SoRrY!"He shouts so much that I had to move the phone away from my head

"....ThAt w0ulD bE apPreCiaTeD aNd yEs, i aM aLreAdY iNt0 soMeoNe."I tell him

Nightmare glances up at me when he hears that, his smile fading.

"WhAt aRe tHeY liKE?"He asks curiously

"WeLl hE iS hAnDsoMe aNd cUte, SmArT aNd hAs hIs dUmB mOmEnTs. He iS g0oD wItH pEtS AnD iS aCcePtiNg oF alL oF mE, qUirKs aNd fLaWs iNclUdEd. He mAkEs mE lAuGh aNd fEeL sAfEr, hApPiEr...LoYaL aNd iSn'T jUsT aFtEr mY p0wEr. I tRuSt hiM aNd hE iS vErY cAriNg aNd cReAtiVe, cOnfiDeNt aNd sUpPortIve..."I say, feeling my face burn

"WhEn d1d y0u rEaliZe y0ur fEeliNgS?"He asks

"WhEn i hAd aN AsSh0lE g0 oN a c0nfEsSioN rAnT t0 mE. I rEaliZeD tHaT mY cRuSh diD eVeRyThiNg aNd m0rE tHaN wHaT wAs bEiNg pRoMiSeD. My s0uL rEacTeD diFfErEnTlY f0r oNce. I rEjEcTeD tHe aSsh0Le oF c0uRsE bUt i hAve bEen aWaRe oF mY cRuSh s1nCe tHeN."I explain, feeling Nightmare's stare

"HaVe yOu mAdE aNy pOsTs w1tH hiM?"He asks

"WhEn tHeRe's idiOtS liKe iNk aNd ReApEr 0uT tHeRe? HeLl nO! ThAt w0ulD pUt a tArGeT oN thEiR bAcK tHe siZe oF a StaDiuM sAyiNg HiT mE! I'm hiS wEaKnEsS! I aM nOt stUpiD!"I say

"HaVe y0u eVeR sHoWn hiM aFfEctiOn? TrY a kiSs?"He asks

My face burns even more.

"YeS buT hE wAs aSlEeP aNd doEsn'T kNoW. NoW i hAvE t0 g0, tAlK t0 y0u aGaiN s0oN."I say, hanging up

I have my strings bring a pillow over and scream into it.

That did NOT just happen!


I jolt at the sound of that, recognizing it as a soul cracking. The walls physically shake in response and see Nightmare shaking. I check his soul to see it cracking.


I pick him up, opening his code to find the problem.

"DoN'T wOrRy, nIghTmArE. i wiLl fiX tHiS. I Am nOt lOsInG yOu."I say

He smiles at that, hugging my hand. And just like that, his soul stops cracking. it's not something from his code or the chemicals. It's more emotional...

"NiGhTmaRe, iS eVeRyThInG oK?"I ask

He nods, purring even as he hugs my thumb and curls up in my hands.

I wouldn't be able to understand him even if he tried to tell me. And emotions are sort of his department so if he thinks it is ok, I guess I have to believe him? Still, it is concerning. His soul stopped breaking which is a good sign.

I glance at the code to see that the chemicals will leave him in the morning.

I will talk to him about it tomorrow.


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now