Chapter Three: An Offer

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Error's POV an hour later

"WhAt dO yOu wAnT nOw, InK? AnD hOw tHe heCk iS iT tHat yOu aLwAYs cAlL rIgHt wHeN I aM reLaxInG tO aNnOy mE?"I ask, crossing my arms

He had called me to discuss something regarding the balance. Saying that it's important. And given that he is chaotic on his own and my enemy, I wasn't willing to leave it in the unknown. So I here I am meeting him in another AU to see what the heck is so important.

"We have an offer for you! There could finally be peace between us, Error!"Ink says

"We?"I say, catching his wording

"Hey Error!"I hear Blue's familiar voice cheer

"Greetings, Error. It's nice to meet you. I'm Dream."Another voice says as I get a rush of positivity washing over me

Wait..Are they seriously...?

"It's been a while since I've seen you, buddy!"Blue says cheerfully

"It'S niCe tO hAve yOur ComPAnY aGAiN, BlUe."I say

I feel a plate get placed in my hand.

"Reunion Taco!"He says

I smile, taking a bite into it.

"I hope you weren't too lonely! I was busy with Papy and these two! You know how Ink can be a handful!"He says

"Blue!"Ink snaps, making us chuckle

I nod.

"You have a nice laugh."Dream compliments

I brush it off with a nod of thanks.

"I aM weLl AwArE oF InK. I hAvEn't bEeN tOo lOneLy tHoUgH. I mAdE a New fRiEnD."I say

"Wonderful! Maybe we can have a hangout together! Just the three of us!"Blue says

"NoW, WhAt iS gOinG oN oUt hErE?"I ask

"Well we have come up with an offer where there could be peace for the balance and you could be with Blue more often. We could be allies, calling peace with our fights for the sake of the balance. You could join our group and we'll help take care of the multiverse!"Ink says

"WaIt, sO yOu'rE uSinG tHe sAkE oF tHe bAlAnce As a bArgAinIng cHip fOr mE tO jOin yOur sIde? To WhAt? PrOtEcT tHe MulTiVerSe? Do You nOt rEaLize wHaT a DesTrOyEr iS?"I say, crossing my arms

"Well it seems like a good method to get you to agree! It's a good idea! And you wouldn't have to be a destroyer anymore if the balance is maintained! You could finally be safe to come out of your anti-void if you join us!"Ink insists

"I cAn hAnDlE mYseLf thAnk yOu VerY muCh. ANd I aM nOt cHangIng mYSeLf fOr thIs kUmbAyA bUlLsHit! YoU'd jUst fOrgeT oR brEaK iT oN aN imPuLse! BeSiDeS, I aM aLrEadY oN NigHtmAre's SiDe aNd uNliKe yOu, I KeEp mY cOmMiTmEnTs."I say, shaking my head

"That is...quite reasonable."Dream says

"Knew it was unlikely that you'd agree. Especially if that means putting up with Ink."Blue says

"SoRrY BlUe. I-"I begin

"No, I understand. In your position I would probably make the same choice. But I wanted to give you something regardless of this offer's result. I visited Sci and got these made especially for you. Just hold still."He says

I feel something slide onto my skull and with a gentle press on either side from his hands, a thin band of some sort stuck to my head. I blink a few times and slowly some light starts becoming visible. At first blurry, but growing clearer by the second. Two round frames for glasses stick out from my head, the lenses clear with a slight grey tint. I see numerous stars littering the skies around us beautifully. Then I turn my head and see Blue's face smiling at me.

I...can actually see again?

"They look great on you, Error!"He says

I smile wider than I ever have before. He knows my weakness and why this means so much to me.

"ThAnK yOu, BlUe."I say

He smiles happily and nods.

"Anything for a friend."He says

"Thanks for considering our offer."Dream says

I see his cheeks turn yellow as I take in the sight of him.

Huh, so that's Nightmare's brother.

"You do look nice with those glasses."Dream compliments

"ThAnKs..."I say

"Well, we should go now. Bye Error!"Ink says, taking the other two away

I sit down and smile, admiring the stars. I couldn't believe that after so long that I'd be able to see again. And what a beautiful sight to see first. OuterTale is beautiful.

Wait! I can finally watch UnderNovela!

I get up, going back to my string hammock as quick as I could. Only then do I realize how big the room that Nightmare arranged for me was. It's huge! Though the bed is a mess now, covered in green tinted black goo.

So that's what he is covered in. Guess I have some puppet remaking to do.

I gather my UnderNovela puppets and open a peekhole to watch it. I smile, feeling warmth fill my soul with joy. It is so much better than I imagined. Especially my favorite, Asgoro.

Blue is the best...

Meanwhile, Nightmare's POV

UUGGH! Why does Horror have such a close bond with that glitch? It's a threat to his alliance here! If he's unhappy, then he may leave the gang when he just joined! Great, that means I have to go and discuss things with that glitch to fix things.

Wait...why am I sensing that Dream is conflicted with his feelings? And they're focused on Error? He's upset over being his enemy? Yet it runs so much deeper...Guess I have to inquire about that sudden spike in emotion as well.

I open the door and see Error sitting in his hammock with plenty of puppets joining him. He has red glasses on, showing lovely eyes that he didn't show before shining brightly. He smiles, trembling giddily in his seat as he watches something through a portal. I step inside closer and he tenses, the portal shutting.

"Error-"I begin, seeing his strings stretch out. He groans.

"I jUst cAn'T gEt a bReAk!"He grumbles with a pout

"What were you-?"I begin but get dirty blankets thrown in my face

"OUT!"He snaps, slamming the door on my face.

I pause outside as I pull the blankets off of me. I feel my face burning and soul beating faster. His eyes...He looked so....

Why the heck was he so cute? What's up with my soul?


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now