Chapter Fifteen: Oceans and Scars

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Nightmare's POV

"Now that is settled and we all know each other, time to go Error!"Killer cheers, taking off with Error by the hand

"WoaH! KiLlEr! WhaT aRe YoU dOiNG? StOp!"Error snaps, getting dragged along

"It'll be fun!"He says

Error gets dragged out of sight and I shake my head, then notice his brother growing anxious.

"W-WaIt, WhErE Is hE tAkInG mY bRoThEr? WhaT iS hE dOiNG?"He asks

I don't know sign language, so I just type on my phone.

The message reads: He is just having fun with Error. He's always up to tricks. Plus he said that he wants to swim with Error so they'll be back soon.

I see him frown, his one eye shrinking in shock.

"N-No! He cAn'T sWiM wItH ErRoR! FuN oR nOT! It'S nOt a GoOd tRiCk!"He snaps

I type: It's not a trick. Error is safe with Killer.

"Wait...What's wrong? Why can't Killer swim with Error?"Horror asks

I type the message to him. Now he looks conflicted.

"I dO NoT kNoW iF BrO wOuLd wAnT yOu tO kNoW...I aM s-S-s-s-SuRe t-ThAt yOu aLl kNow ThAt hE iS PrIvAtE aNd hAs hIs rEaSonS tO bE sO...VeRy aNxiOuS.."He says

"Is he in trouble? How bad is it?"Horror asks

I repeat the question and he goes silent.

"I reFuSe t0 aNsWeR uNlEsS  I kNoW hE iS 0kAy wItH mE tElLinG y0u."He says

It's silent for a few moments.

"So....WhO fIgHtS mY bRoThEr?"He asks

I type: His enemy is really Ink. We fight his team and you handled Reaper after all.

"CaN i SeE a PiCtUrE oF hIm?"He asks

I shrug, pulling up a picture of him off of him social media profile.

"InTeReStInG....I wiLl gLaDly aDd sOme nEw PatTerNs tO hIm..."He says with a deadly glow in his eye like a predator looking at prey

And then there's the fact that I am absorbing truckloads of anger from him. He is PISSED.

"Geronimo!"Killer shouts


Paps turns around quickly in extreme alarm.

"SANS!"He shouts, running to the water

Big waves rush in, knocking him back. Horror and I watch, seeing the waves getting rougher. Cross groans.

"I told him that the waves are expected to be rougher for the next hour and what does he do? Dive headfirst into it!"He complains

Killer resurfaces with a grin.

"Woo! That was fun! See Error? Wasn't that fun? Hm...? Error?"Killer says, glancing around

Error? Where is he?

"I aM gOiNg t0 muRdEr y0u KiLlEr!"Paps yells angrily

I tap him on the shoulder and point to the water.  He frowns.

"My bRoThEr wAs a RoOkiE aT sWImMinG, aNd aFtEr a wHiLe oF nOt dOinG iT aNd hIs wOunDs...He mAy nOt bE aBle tO. He wAsn'T wiLliNg tO sEe aNd aVoiDeD iT...UnTiL nOw."He says, gazing ahead at the crashing waves

I nod, then dive into the water. Being made of goop instead of bones has its benefits, like being to swim and see in this water. And the tentacles give a boost. I could feel the waves rushing overhead as I swim far below it, then spot Error. He is hard to miss with his glitching in the water. His legs were flailing, trying to kick and he keeps getting knocked further away. I push through the water, wrapping my arms around him from below and feel him jolt, starting to struggle even more and swinging a fist to knock me off. Though he fails and glances down once he touched me, recognizing me. His glasses aren't on anymore so he is unable to see either. I see his body clearly now, seeing all of his scars littering his bones. From his black neck and arms to his red spine and rib cage, he was scarred and chipped in more than a few places. Yet...he's so beautiful. I feel my soul beat faster again and shake my head.

Snap out of it Nightmare! I need to get him out of here, not sink down with him!

I swim up to the surface, holding him close to me with my tentacles working to keep us above water.

"NiGhTmArE? WhAt a-?" He begins

"This walking octopus is getting you out of the rough waves that Killer's stupidity got you into."I say

He chuckles with that lovely laugh of his. His hands wrap around me gently. He rests his head on my shoulder.

"You should've told me and I would've stopped them."I say

"I tHoUgHt i'D bE fInE On sAnD...DiDn'T wAnT tO sHoW mY b-"He begins

"Beautiful body?"I correct him

His face turns a bright yellow.

"It'S bRoKeN!"He says

"No, it's strong and beautiful.~ Also your bro has a hit list it seems for you."I say

He chuckles.

"WhEn d0eSn'T hE? He iS so0o pRoTeCtiVe oF mE."He says

I ride the waves back to the sandy shore, wading out of the water and blocking his body from sight. Sure he has shorts on, but he doesn't want his body to be seen and I will respect that. I grab a towel with a tentacle, wrapping it around him. Paps walks over, glancing at me after examining his brother and nods with a grin. Killer wasn't so fortunate. I set Error down, sitting beside him under the umbrella. Perl cuddles up beside him as he tries his best to conceal himself. I get his glasses returned to him and smile. He glances at me and smiles a bit, leaning on me. My face burns as he snuggles against me while everyone else continue their activities.

Dear stars, have I really fallen for him?


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now