Chapter 23: Tricks and Signals

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Error's POV a few days later

I swear he is messing with me now!

"Are you okay, Error?"Nightmare asks, peeking over the top of his book

I sit in the library once again, reading and chatting with him. Yet he is in that form again. He has every chance and ability to return to normal with his tentacles, his code is completely free of the poison by now. And on top of that, he has returned to normal before. He did it as soon as I told him that he could. He's normal whenever we're with the others or have company, yet when we're alone he shifts back to that form. I can't even look at him. I just want to be normal, average, causal, whatever with him! I want to have nice times with him without my mind and soul losing its shit! That's easy with him as his usual self, but his other form is newer and cute to me so it's like all self-control just goes out the window. I guess this is what Horror means when he talks about a gay panic that he has around Farmer.

I don't want to be a fool around him. I can't. Yet he keeps making it tougher to do.

"I'm fiNe."I say

"Your cheeks are yellow again."He says

"I aM aWaRe."I say, hiding my face in my book

"Error, why is it that you don't look at me when we're alone?"He asks

Does he want me to humiliate myself in front of him and crash out of embarrassment? I know that's going to happen.


"Fine, I'll make you look at me. Perl, scoot over."He says

Wait a second-!

I glance down, seeing him grin under my book as he lays across my lap. That smile...Those eyes....No!


I return to reading, trying to act as if it is normal.

"Error, I can sense that something is wrong. What is it?"He asks

"NoThiNg..."I say

"Is it because I look like this?"He asks


"I'm sorry...I just trust being like this around you. It's my weaker form obviously but I-"He begins

I cover his mouth to shut him up. I could hear how upset he is.

"SHuT uP. YoU c0uLd'Ve t0lD mE. I wAsn'T sUrE iF tHeRe wAs a tRiCk aNd i wAsn'T uSeD t0 iT...AnD i c0uLdn'T tHinK sTra1gHt."I say, slipping my hand away

"Why?"He asks

"BeCAuSe yOu'Re CuTe!"I mumble, hiding my face in the book.

I hear pure silence in return. I glance down, seeing him stare at me in shock as his face turns purple.

Shit, what do I even do now?

My phone starts ringing wildly, practically hopping off of the floor. I check it to see that Ink was blowing up my phone with messages. Some say that he is going to take my stuff in the antivoid or make a mess of it, saying that he is going to take it over to make into his doodlesphere or endless canvas.

"UuGh! CaN'T eVeN hAvE a NoRmAL dAy! I wiLl bE rIgHt bAcK, NiGhtMaRe. I hAvE t0 kIcK InK oUt oF mY hOmE."I say, slipping away through a portal.

I glance around once it shuts, trying to spot Ink. I see that his mess has already started forming and I use my strings to start cleaning it up. I open code screens, deleting other parts of the portal. Then I feel something splash onto me, burning my bones.

"Hey Error buddy! You ruined my fun yesterday so now you're going to make it up!"He says before everything fades to black as I crash.

When I finished rebooting, I didn't open my eyes. I could feel that something was different. Very different. Par of me wondered if I even want to wake up and find out or get into worse trouble. But I am able to tell that I am not in my anti-void anymore and could feel something tying my wrists and ankles down.

"What do you think Dream? Now there won't be any destruction anymore! And as a bonus, we could share him!"Ink says

"Share" me? What the hell Ink? This shit can't be happening!

"Why does he look like that?"Dream asks

"I brought some paints and chemicals that I used on him. It was the only way to make sure that he couldn't fight back! And I made the outfit that I changed him into! I thought you'd like it given how you have it bad for him!"Ink says

"But this will piss him off! Are you out of your mind? You're hurting my chances more than helping!"Dream snaps

You never had chances and if you did, you ruined it with that terrible reaction to rejection. Why do these fools act or think that just because they like me that I am obligated to return it and do as they wish? I have my own mind and they should respect it. Ugggh...Wait, would Nightmare act react as wild as them if I told him how I feel? No, we both have standards and dignity unlike them...

I listen to them argue, sounding distant. I slowly move my wrists, feeling my phone underneath me. I tap a few buttons, sending the emergency signal I coded into it. Then it shuts off, playing dead you could say.

"But at least the destruction is over!"Ink says

"Umm...I wouldn't be too sure about that, Ink. I sense a spike in negativity and see AUs ripping here, meaning that destruction is still being made."Dream says

"What? How?"He shouts

Then I hear running footsteps down some steps followed by a kick to my stomach, making me groan in pain and open my eyes.

"UuUgGh, fUcK y0u InK...."I groan

"What did you do, Error? Why is there still destruction when you're stuck here?"He snaps

"Y0u rEaLlY tHoUgHt i Am ThE oNly gl1tCh tHat cAn dEstRoY?"I chuckle

He kicks me again but I grin, laughing at the sight of his confusion and anger at his plan backfiring.

"Ink! Stop that! We have to be gentle with him! I'm so sorry, Error!"Dream says as he shoves Ink aside.

He reaches out to me and I back away.

"DoN'T fUcKinG t0uCh mE."I growl

"Please, Error. I mean well. You know I won't harm you."He says

"YeAh tHe cHaInS 0n mE rEalLy sHoW tHat."I say, unable to move my hands from behind my back

Then I take in his appearance again. For a moment I see Nightmare in his place before both his forms appear in my vision on either side of Dream.

Tch, either way Nightmare got the better looks.

"We weren't sure if you were going to wake up and put up a fight."He says

"Oh GeE I wOndEr wHy i wOuLd dO tHaT!"I snap

"Dream you watch over him. I have to go make sure that the multiverse doesn't fall apart."Ink says, leaving in a puddle

I glance around, then at myself, seeing human skin covering my bones with a blue dress drooping over my bare feet.

Dress-up and changing me? What the hell?!

I glare Dream down, making him back away and he mumbles another sorry. He sits there awkwardly, glancing down at the floor.

"DiDn'T ThInK yOu'd bE tHe kInD tO pUlL a ReApEr wItH InK's StUpId pLaN. I hEaRd yOu gIvE iNtO hIs lOgiC. YoU'Re aLl fReAkS aNd YeT wOnDEr WhY yOu gEt REjEcTeD."I say, pulling myself into a ball against the wall

"I'm sorry..."He says

"If YoU WeRe ReAlLy SoRrY yOu wOulD'vE fReEd mE bY nOw."I say

It falls quiet. Then the thought of their plan enters my mind again. I frown, then hear footsteps coming back towards the stairs.

"Change of plans! I want to have some fun before I have to clean up a mess! Oh Error!~"Ink shouts

Oh great....For once crashing and rebooting seems like a better option.


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now