Chapter Eleven: Trust to Touch

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Error's POV a day or two later

Knock Knock!

"WhO iS iT?"I ask

"Nightmare."He says

Perl runs over, hopping at the door and unlocking it before running back to me proudly. I smile, petting him gently as he crawls beside me.

"GoOd bOy."I whisper, pulling the door open with a string

Blue was right, having a pet is nice. Reduces my stress and helps me work with touch...Plus good company..

Nightmare enters, shutting the door behind him.

"How long have you had that cat?"He asks

"SiNcE tHe dAy oF yOuR dEaL. I hAvE eVeRyThiNg SeT iN hErE f0r hIm aNd iN mY hOme."I say

"Is he trained?"He asks

"He lEaRns NaTuRalLy aNd iS qUitE y0uNg sO nO."I say

Perl smiles, purring and snuggling my hand.

"What made you choose him?"He asks, sitting beside me

"I wAs cUri0us aBouT hiS f0rM, f0uNd iT cUtE I gUeSs. AnD hiS eYeS aRe cUtE."I say

He stares Perl down, unsettling him as he crawls into my sleeve to hide. I glance at him and he looks to me. I see his eye change shape again, his face turning green.

"ArE y0u sIcK oR sOmEtHinG?"I ask

"Why do you ask?"He asks

"YoUr fAcE iS aS gReEn aS lEtTuCe aNd yOuR eYe iS bLuRriNg."I say

He looks alarmed and turns his head away.

"It's nothing. I am fine."He says

"If YoU sAy s0."I say

I have Perl leave my sleeve and pet him gently on the head, listening to him purr. The little bell I put on his collar rings as he snuggles closer to me, his ears twitching.

"So umm...How do you make those puppets?"He asks, taking out some crafting tools

I take out my crochet hooks and knitting needles and start showing him, which he got the hang of. We sit there quietly as Perl purrs and crafting away. His tentacles lay peacefully behind me. I smile, enjoying the peace and lean against him, glancing to see his progress.

"Um, Error-"He begins

"A cRoSs-stItCh w0uLd w0rK fOr tHaT sPoT."I say

"Aren't you going to crash?"He asks

I realize where I am and notice how my body didn't react. What was I thinking? I guess I feel comfortable with him that I didn't think. That was risky...Yet it doesn't hurt.

"GuEsS n0t. DoN't jInX iT."I say, smiling at him

He nods and we continue to work on our puppets.

"I think I finished."He says after a few minutes, handing me his puppet

I see that he made it look like Asgoro.

"He is your favorite right? You can have it."He says

"ThAnKs.."I say, unable to hide my smile

I glance at the Horror puppet that I was making and finish it. I hand it to him.

"I kNoW iT iSn't tHe sAmE bUt i wAnT t-To bE fAiR."I say

He smiles, taking it and holding it gently.

Then Perl starts to hiss, looking at the corner of my room where the bookshelves are. I see his fur raise higher, crackling like a raging fire. He quickly runs to the side of the bookshelves, hissing.

"Yeowch! Error what have you taught this thing!?"A voice yelps as Reaper hops out of hiding

Perl keeps hissing and attacking him. Reaper kicks him away and I grab him, holding him close. Reaper looks over, seeing Nightmare beside me.

"Oh come on! I can't touch you but he can?"He snaps

I smile, chuckling at his idiotic rage.

"Is tHeRe a Pr0bLeM? CaUsE tHe oNlY pRoBlEm i SeE iS y0u."I say, healing Perl

Nightmare wraps his tentacles around me with a grin.

"I give him a special thing called respect and that's the difference between us. Such as right now. You intrude while I politely entered. You're leaving now."Nightmare says

I open a portal and Nightmare smacks him through before it shuts.

"Is the kitten okay?"He asks

"PeRl iS oK. He Is VeRy ReSiLieNt."I reply

"That's good."He says, offering his hand to Perl.

Perl sniffs it and then rubs his head against the hand with a purr.

"I tHinK hE liKeS y0u."I say

"Heh, good."He says, petting his head

Perl purrs right back.

"So, do you have any plans?"He asks

"KiLleR anD HorRoR pLaN t0 sHoW mE sOmEtHiNg tOmOrRoW. ThEy'vE bEeN lOcKeD iN tHeiR r0oMs doIng sOmEtHinG."I say

"Interesting..."He says, leaning on me a bit

I smile, gently feeling his tentacles holding me to him.

"So how are you able to touch me?"He asks

"I'Ve bEeN gEtTiNg bEtTer wItH tOuCh f0r PerL sO i gUeSs iT iS eXteNdInG tO pEoPlE. AnD i tRuSt y0u s0 I guEsS tHat fActOrS iN."I say, smiling at the idea

I've never trusted someone enough to be this close. And knowing nice.

"You going soft on me?"He asks

"Oh sHuT uP LetTuCe fAcE."I say, rolling my eyes

He chuckes, gently putting a hand on mine.

"But really, Error. I am truly happy to hear that."He says

I smile wider. Then I notice my glitching pick up. He notices and breaks away, seeming understanding. His tentacles trace the edges of the ceiling and floor along the walls and he snaps his fingers.

"There, now he can't come in here again. I will make sure the rest of this place is secured as well. I hope you have fun tomorrow."He says

"ThAnKs.."I say

He leaves, shutting the door behind him.

Am I really growing close to that walking octopus?


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now