Chapter 46: Birthday Surprise

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Error's POV

"So? What do you think, darling?"Lust asks with a grin as I look in a mirror.

He gave me a bright purple fluffy scarf and I grin, liking the feeling of it.

"I liKe iT. ThAnKs fOr gIvInG mE iT."I say

"Anytime. Maybe you can wear it out to a date."He says

I chuckle with a nod.

Nighty does say that purple looks good on me.

We continue to chat and joke, my then I notice my arm glitching more than usual, spazzing out to the point that it looks blurry. That's odd, but nothing too far out of the usual glitching. Then the door swings open and I see Dance slide in with a grin.

"Sup Error and hey you.~"He coos, kissing Lust's cheek.

He glances at me and smirks.

"So you're the partner I have heard about?"He asks

"HuH?"I ask

"Well, let's just say that I've been persuaded into giving a certain king of negativity dance lessons in my AU. He says that he has a special partner in mind and given that he comes wearing a crown, I am guessing your crown is the matching one indicating your partnership."He says with a shrug and wink

Pffft, right. "Persuaded" Nightmare can be very stubborn. But that's very interesting....

My phone rings and I answer with a grin.

"HeLlo Br0! I nEeD y0uR heLp! CaN y0u c0mE h0m3?"Paps asks

"SuRe tHiNg."I tell him

I hang up.

"My bRoThEr nEeDs hElP s0 i aM goInG t0 g0. ThAnKs LuSt!"I say, opening a portal home

"Bye darling!"He says

I step through and then...

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ERROR!"Multiple voices yell as the portal shuts

I jump and then my vision fills with error signs, seconds away from crashing as my glitching goes wild. I hear a sigh.

"I told you guys to wait a bit longer. Surprising him is asking for him to crash."Nighty says

"YeAh! NoW hE cAn't sEe thE dEcoRaTi0nS!"Paps says

"Mwehehehe! No fighting guys! Error we made plenty of treats, Horror made cake, and there are games!"Blue says

"And I brought a speaker matched with your favorite music genre!"Killer says

"I call dibs on recording everything for memories!"Horror says

"And you know the rules! Now we play games with blindfolds to be fair!"Buffer says

I feel Perl curl around my ankle, purring. I smile, picking him up as my friends chat away about the plans. I feel my bean bag seat and sit in it, soon feeling multiple boxes get placed in my lap.

"Those are gifts for you!"Blue says

I smile at them, thanking them.

"Okay, who is the wise-ass that put TWISTER in the stack?"Killer asks

It goes silent.

"Dust did it."Fell says

"Snitch!"Dust snaps

"Fine, we will play that blindfolded first and you're going to be in the first group. Error can spin it and Paps can read it."Killer says

Everyone agrees to that.

The next few minutes are full of the funniest sounds ever as everyone argues and struggles to twist around each other. Killer has music playing on the speaker and I grin widely.

"No fair! Nightmare is using his tentacles and I'm under Horror's massive body!"Dust says

"Sucks to be you!"Killer says

"Get good."Horror says

"You set yourself up."Cross says

404 chuckles and Paps calls out LEFT FOOT RED again. Least to say, Dust got crushed under Horror and Blue ends up winning.

""Cross asks

"Being smaller has its perks!"Blue says

Perl purrs in agreement to that.

A few games later, they let me open gifts while Paps tells me what they are. Even though I have calmed down, my glitching still is acting up which I find odd. I dismiss it to enjoy the birthday though. Nightmare apparently gave me DVD copies of well as a kiss on the cheek. The food and cake are delicious and I thank them for this celebration.

"So based on that affectionate display, I assume that you're the new date?"404 asks

"The real date."Buffer adds

"Right, sorry about that."404 chuckles

"Yes, that'd be me."Nightmare says

"You'd know sooner if Boss wasn't super clingy and protective!"Killer chuckles

"Hmmm, you do look like a match to Error's description..."404 says

"ApPaReNtLy n0t t0 hiM!"I chuckle

"Ah, blind and a moron too? Well let me make something clear to you, Nightmare. If you dare make the moronic mistake of harming Error and his soul-"404 says

"Paps already gave me that talk. I got it."Nightmare says

"Okay...But you better not try anything funny or you will pay."He says

"404 dear, please calm down before I shove cake in your mouth. We don't need your hostility at a birthday."Cipher says

Soon things start winding down and everyone heads to their homes, Nighty being the last to leave. I relax in my seat, surrounded by gifts. I grow tired and find it strangely harder to keep my eyes open. I yawn, setting my glasses aside.

"PaPs...tHaNkS f0r t0dAy...."I say, shutting my eyes

And code broke down.


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now