Chapter Fourteen: Beaches and Brothers

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A few weeks later, Error's POV

"Alrighty! This is all set up so now we can have some fun!"Killer says

"It's so bright out here..."Dust says

"That's called sunlight, you vampire! Enjoy it!"Killer says, yanking Dust's hood off and getting a hiss in return

That only made him laugh.

"Cross you owe me 5G now! I told you so!"He chuckles

Cross rolls his eyes, digging in the sand.

"I'll go get some snacks."Horror says

"As expected, Horror goes right for the food."Killer chuckles

I shake my head, positioning the umbrellas and laying towels down. One for me and another for Perl, who curls up beside me. I smile, sitting down.

"Hey Error! Could you make a net when we play volleyball?"Killer asks

"SuRe tHinG."I say

"Hey, wait a sec. Where the fuck is Boss?"Fell says, looking around

I see a black skull start to rise from the water, tentacles peeking out.

"He iS aLreAdY iN tHe wAtEr iT sEeMs."I say

"Are you going to go play?"Killer asks

"I'lL tHiNk oN iT."I say

Killer grins, wading into the water and speaking to Nightmare. Whatever he said, Nightmare didn't like it and moments later Killer is dunked headfirst into the sand with only his feet sticking out. I shake my head, pulling him out with my strings. I open a book, reading while I pet Perl. Horror returns, putting food down in baskets and coolers. I smile at him and Fell grabs a ball. I snap my fingers and use some strings to make a net. Then I start crafting in the sand, taking a break from reading. I feel someone's gaze locked on me and glance over, seeing Nightmare peeking above water as the waves wash in. He hides right underneath again when our eyes meet.

Odd...Eh, I'll let him be.

I continue working on the sand sculpture very carefully, then Killer sits beside me while soaking wet. I glance over, seeing Cross, Fell, Dust, and Horror continue to play ball.

"So, are you going to hop in? The waves are nice."He asks

I pause, thinking. That would mean taking clothes off and revealing my body..And my body is....nope. No thanks. Plus then there's my swimming skills to consider.

"I dOn'T tHiNk sO."I say with a shrug, then shudder when feeling another gaze locking onto me

I glance around to where it is coming from while Killer whines, disappointed. This time it isn't from Nightmare. I see a figure hiding around a building for ice cream, leaning their head out to stare before hiding again.

"I'lL bE riGhT bAcK."I say, running to investigate this

I hear running footsteps as the stranger tries to flee. I go around the side of the building, hearing the footsteps pause. I peek around the corner, seeing the tip of a scarf sticking out behind some boxes at the back of the building. Then I notice the error signs and glitches sticking out.

Wait...Could that be...?

I cautiously take steps closer, trying not to scare them. I glance past the boxes, seeing my brother hugging his knees and shaking. One of his eyes still has scars keeping it shut. I smile, sticking my hand out to him and he jolts, looking up at me.

"E-Error?"He signs with his hands

"Hi Paps, so good to see you again. How'd you get here?"I respond, signing with my hands

A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now