It's hard being a hyung

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Seonghwa sighed for what must have been the 50th time since Hongjoong had informed him of the news. His knee moved restlessly up and down as he fidgeted anxiously.

"It's only three day, right?" he asked, the worry seeping into his voice, almost causing it to crack.

Hongjoong echoed his sigh, and stopped his packing to turn and look at the oldest member.

"Only three days, Seonghwa," he reassured. "It's really not that long."

"Oh, it will go fast for you no doubt. But it will feel like an eternity to me."

Hongjoong just shook his head. "You sound like Wooyoung right now."

Not being able to resist the urge, Seonghwa moved to help Hongjoong pack, although in a more neatly manner. It was not due to his cleanly nature, but rather as a way to release the pent up agitation and worry that filled him.

"I am happy for you, Hongjoong, I really am. But..." his voice trailed away, and he bent over the suitcase to tuck the pair of socks in.

Hongjoong smiled at him. "I know, Seonghwa. And I really wish it didn't have to be now, but you know it is another good opportunity to get Ateez's name out there."

"What if something happens while you are gone? What if-"

"Seonghwa, you are overthinking. I am leaving you in charge and I know you can do it"

"I don't have leader qualities like you do. I don't know how to balance being strict and being their friend. You do it so perfectly."

Hongjoong couldn't help but smile again. Despite being the oldest in Ateez, Seonghwa loved to hang out and be chaotic with the younger members. He was the youngest in his own family, after all.

"It will be fine," he reassured him again. 

But as he continued packing his bag, his heart grew heavy. If he had to be honest, the same worries filled him. Manager Ho had officially returned now and was picking up more shifts. Would everything really be okay? 

Several weeks had passed since the incident where Yunho had taken the blame for Mingi and since then the manager had mostly kept to himself. To Hongjoong's surprise, the manager actually let them get away with a lot more now. Wooyoung had smart-mouthed him on several occasions, Yeosang had repeatedly forced him to repeat instructions over and over again, and Mingi had continued his bad habit of always being late. And yet, the manager had kept his cool every time.

If not for this reason, Hongjoong might have actually turned down the fashion show he had been personally invited to. He was not completely at ease, but he kept telling himself three days was not that long.

"It will be fine, Seonghwa," he repeated, although he was really talking to himself this time. "Get Yunho to help you if needed. Okay?"

Seonghwa nodded miserably, before forcing the leader a smile. "Just enjoy yourself, Hongjoong. And don't worry about us."

Hongjoong smiled back at him, hoping it didn't look just as forced. Knowing his chaotic members too well, the captain knew he had every reason to worry.

*          *          *          *          *

Two days had quickly passed without any major mishaps, and Seonghwa was finally beginning to be able to relax. There was one more day to get through and then Hongjoong would be back.

Despite the younger members being on their best behaviour, it still hadn't been a stress-free couple of days. Ateez had been invited last minute to sing at a huge charity function. And since it was for struggling youth, something Ateez stood for, KQ had agreed. The poor staff had been thrown into a panicked rush to design a special stage for the event and create their outfits. For despite being a charity function, many important people were going to be present. And the company was pressuring Ateez to make a good impression by expressing the message while incorporating their own lore.

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