Forgiveness at Last

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Hongjoong headed down to the living room, Jongho following close behind. Once there, Hongjoong gestured for Jongho to stand to one side.

"Wooyoung," he called.

After what seemed a long time (and probably only because Seonghwa forced him out), Wooyoung appeared sullenly at the door and entered the room. He walked over to join Jongho, glaring at him, before turning to face Hongjoong.

"So, how are we doing this?" he asked. "Do you want us on all fours in the push up position?"

Hongjoong hesitated. While it was a commonly used and practical position, Hongjoong didn't think it worked well with the belt. And he preferred that they be closer to him, so his inexperienced aim wouldn't strike else where. He thought back to how Mr Ho had had them bend over the table. But the memory caused Hongjoong to shudder, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jongho do the same. 

No, he couldn't do that again. The cold hard surface was something Hongjoong hoped none of his members would ever experience again. There had been nothing to help him hold himself down. Looking around, Hongjoong saw the lounge.

He had a brief fleeting thought of pulling them over his lap, but he didn't particularly want to add anymore humiliation to their current state. And perhaps this was his last favour to Jongho, for abandoning him that night.

"I want you both over the back of the couch."

Jongho and Wooyoung were both startled. They glanced at each other in horror, before both turning to Hongjoong in union. 

"Hyung, not together," Wooyoung said aghast. 

Hongjoong was mildly amused by the pairs horrifed looks. No doubt they had both imagined, that while one was being punished , the other would stand in the corner. 

Hongjoong crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. 

"You weren't worried about fighting together, so I don't see why you suddenly mind being punished together."

"But...but, it's different, hyung."

Hongjoong's eyebrow climbed unbelievably higher. "Wooyoung, do you really think now is a good time to be arguing and back-talking to me?"

There was a long silence, before Wooyoung lowered and shook his head. For a moment, the silence grew as Hongjoong waited to see if he needed to prompt them to obey. But Jongho feeling the tenseness of the air, suddenly turned and bent his torso over the edge of the lounge. 

Wooyoung flashed a look of annoyance, and not wanting to be outdone by the maknae or be scolded for not being a good hyung, he quickly followed suit, although he mumbled under his breath as he did. 

Hongjoong moved closer behind them. "I think you both already know clearly why you are here. Wooyoung, I think your reason is very simple. Can you tell me, so I can be sure you know?"

Wooyoung shifted uncomfortably. "Really, hyung? You are going to make me say stuff like that?"


Wooyoung yelped and sprang up. His hand moved to shield his backside, as he turned to face Hongjoong. Hongjoong merely put a hand on his shoulder and firmly turned him back round and over again. 

"I asked a question, Wooyoung. You will answer me respectfully, and with honorifics."

Wooyoung blinked back the tears that stung his eyes. He wasn't entirely sure what Hongjoong had even hit him with. He hadn't heard the belt move through the air, but surely the leader's hand was not that hard. He suddenly began to regret all the disobeying and smart-mouthing he had been doing. 

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