When the Hyungs Are Away...

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San was in pain. He was in so much pain that the last several days had all blurred together, and he did not know how long it had even been since he had first injured his wrist. It had all started when the 99' line held a silly competition with each other in the practice room. It had ranged from the highest jump, to the best cartwheel, to the best back flip, and more. San had decided to run, then do a flip. But the landing had gone terribly wrong and he had tried to catch himself as he fell, resulting in a sprained wrist. He had laughed it off at the time, but due to some of the intense dancing practices of late, it had gotten considerably worse.

 Deep down, San knew he should go inform the managers or his hyungs, but he didn't want to bother anyone. The manager had been pretty stressed out with the hectic schedule and was looking less approachable than ever. As for the matz hyungs, they had both recently been signed up to be fashion brand ambassadors. Both of them were very excited and were about to go on a week's business trip. They were going to have several promotional photo shoots and do a series of promotional videos.

San of course knew this was a terrible time to go whinging about a minor injury. Seonghwa would stress over it and either not want to go, or not enjoy the trip. And Hongjoong would immediately feel uneasy about leaving them, and feel the same way. So San kept his silence despite the growing pain. This silent enduring however, had begun to get to him. Because his team members did not know his current condition, they still attempted to roughhouse with him, or show their physical affection. And this made San very cross. He wished they could see he was not in the mood for it and would just leave him alone.

And so it was, that he now sat on the lounge glaring at the others as they hurried about ensuring their matz hyungs were all prepared and ready to go.

"Did you pack your socks, hyung?" Yeosang asked as he scanned the contents of the large suitcase that lay open on the floor.

"Yes, I think so," Seonghwa replied. But he still came over to double check just in case he actually hadn't.

"You can borrow anything of mine if you like, hyung?" Mingi kindly told Hongjoong, who only glared at him in response to his generous offer.

"Yunho, you are in charge while we are away, okay?" Hongjoong said as he carelessly tossed a shirt into his bag. Grimacing, Seonghwa carefully folded it, before tucking it neatly back in.

Yunho nodded. He was sitting on the couch beside San, quietly watching the chaos about him.

"Why can't I be the leader?" Mingi protested. "It doesn't have to be the oldest."

"You can be the maknae for the week instead," Jongho kindly offered this time.

Hongjoong sighed. "Be serious for a minute, guys. I am leaving Yunho in charge and I want you all to listen to him while we are away. I know you are all the same age, but I want you to respect him as the temporary leader. And Yunho, should anything happen, don't be afraid to call me. And as much as I hate to say it, I will have to report to the manager if I hear things getting out of hand. So please, just listen to Yunho. Okay?"

The 99' line and Jongho all nodded. "Yes, hyung."

"Okay, I think that is it. Don't get into mischief, and we will see you soon."

"Don't miss us too much, hyung," Wooyoung told them before giving them a hug and a peck on the cheek to the disgust of both hyungs.

They all followed the hyungs outside and waved them off, before going back to the lounge room.

"Okay," piped up Mingi. "What are we doing first?"

Yunho sighed. This would be a long stressful week.

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