Yunho's Torment

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Seonghwa glanced up from where he was sitting at the table putting a new figurine together. Yeosang and Wooyoung had surprisingly bought one each for him on their way back from getting hot chicken. Hongjoong was out with Eden and the other producers, leaving Seonghwa in charge. He had eventually tired of the bickering and sulking members and had given Yeosang his card to go get takeaways for everyone. He could have ordered it online, but it would be good to get the others outside for awhile. Mingi wanted icecream too, so Seonghwa had given him some cash and sent him with Jongho and forced San to join them. Yunho however hadn't wanted to go anywhere, saying he was in the middle of a very important video game.

But he kept wandering in and out of the dining room where Seonghwa sat, as if he wanted to talk but at the same time, didn't. As he reappeared for what must have been the 26th time, to grab his 8th cup of water, Seonghwa stopped him.

"Yunho, something up?" he called.

Yunho inched over to the table, and rested his hands upon the flat surface. He studied Seonghwa thoughtfully. "Er, no, hyung." He turned to go again, but Seonghwa grabbed his hand.

"Something is obviously bothering you, Yunho. You can tell me about it."

Yunho gave an exasperated sigh. "That is the problem, hyung. I am not sure I can talk about it." He ran his fingers through his hair, before pulling out a chair and sitting down to face his older member. "See, hyung, I saw something that concerns someone else and I sorta promised them something. Like I wouldn't tell anybody. But I was tired and confused at the time, so I didn't really think properly, but now that I thought about it, I decided it was a bad thing to say, and that I should tell someone about it. But I can't, cuz I said I wouldn't. But I should." He paused, breathless and looked up to see Seonghwa shaking his head in amusement.

"I didn't really get anything out of that, Yunho. Maybe go a little slower."

His soft caring voice touched something deep within Yunho. The guilt and concern Yunho felt bubbled over and erupted. To Seonghwa's shock, his puppy-like dongsaeng burst into tears.

"I know something and I can't tell you," he sobbed. "But it is so wrong to keep it a secret. Please help me, hyung."

Seonghwa squeezed Yunho's hand gently. "Yunho, if there is something I need to know, you need to tell me. Is it one of the members?" He sucked in a breath as Yunho nodded miserably. "Will it put them in danger, if you don't say anything?"

"I don't know. I honestly don't know." Yunho was working himself into a panic. "But I think so. I think they were lying about something."

"Then you need to tell me," Seonghwa told him gently. "What affects one member, can affect all of us." He paused, a frown crossing his face. "Is this about San?"

Yunho nodded. He wiped at the tears, but they continued to fall. "I saw bruises on him, hyung. They were old, but they looked really bad. San told me he fought someone. But San never fights, you know that too."

Seonghwa did know that. Sure there was the occasional scuffle, but San was a mediator and very professional about his job. He would never risk a physical fight. But he forced a smile upon his face, as he leaned over to pat Yunho comfortingly on the arm.

"You did well talking to me, Yunho. I am really proud of you. I know it must have been a difficult decision to make."

Yunho felt better, but it still worried him. "What will happen?"

Seonghwa leaned back thoughtfully. "I will need to tell Hongjoong about it. He will know what to do. But don't let this bother you, Yunho. You did it to help him, not to dob him in. There is a big difference there."

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