Hongjoong's Worry

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A dark cloud hung heavily over Ateez's dorm, an unusual occurrence considering the large number of members and their hyperactive energy level.

Hongjoong was slowly losing patience at his younger members, particularly at Wooyoung who was currently lying on the couch, his feet slung over the couch back and his head resting against San's thigh. He hadn't shut up with his whining, since the manager had broken the news to them several days ago.

Hongjoong had been very understanding at first, even offering his dongsaeng encourage and words of comfort. "It isn't permanent, Wooyoung" he had comforted. "He will be back before you know it." He knew how close the members were to their beloved manager, especially Wooyoung. The mischievous young singer loved to tease and play around with their Manager-nim. They all did.

Of course the group was very happy for their manager to be able to take a break and go on a vacation he well deserved. But it didn't lessen the feelings of sorrow and loss. He had only been gone for half a day, but already they missed him terribly.

Hongjoong's mouth tightened and his fists clenched as Wooyoung's high pitched voice was heard for the millionth time that day.

"How will we live, Sannie?" He complained, plucking at his friend's sleeve. As always, San just tolerated the bothering, as he continued scrolling through his phone. "Hongjoong-hyung?"

Hongjoong gritted his teeth as Wooyoung turned his attention to him, having finally realised San was now immune to his annoying him. "Yes, Wooyoung?"

"What if we don't like the substitute manager?" Wooyoung wanted to know.

It was obviously something that had gone through all their minds, for as soon as the question was asked, everyone looked at Hongjoong expectantly. And if he was being honest, it was a thought that Hongjoong had worried over himself. Something that worried him still.
He knew they had been very lucky to be so close knit with all their staff. So close, that Hongjoong couldn't even count the amount of times they had pranked, comforted or treated each other. Of course, the manager had to stay true to his job and there had been times where he had drawn them aside and scolded them for taking their mischief too far. But he had never been truly angry, just firm and correcting. And this was where Hongjoong knew how fortunate they were. He had heard plenty of horrifying stories where the managers and staff physically disciplined or even abused trainees and idols.

He knew well that corporal punishment was common in the industry. Keeping bunches of rowdy growing boys under control was no easy feat. Hell, even Hongjoong knew that too well. The use of physical discipline had even been mentioned in the contract. But KQ wasn't as strict as most other companies were and nearly all the staff treated the Ateez members like family. And having never really attended school during his trainee days and having been raised in a loving home, Hongjoong had almost never experienced this. But that made him fear it all the more. For with that fear, was the knowledge that one day, they may find themselves in a situation with someone who believed in it. And Hongjoong feared that situation with that someone was slowly creeping up on them.


Hongjoong broke out of his thoughts and saw the members were watching him with concern. He had been silent for far too long, he realised. He sighed softly.

"I will be honest with you." His tone was serious, causing the members to straighten and Wooyoung to sit up. "Given that we are attached to our usual manager, and that this new manager was only recently hired, there is a strong chance, we won't get along at first. But no matter what happens, I want you to give him your greatest respect. That particularly goes for you, Wooyoung." He stopped to stare sharply at the second youngest, who in turn, pouted sulkily. "I want to be very clear on this. No pranks, teasing or just general misbehaving, at least until we can get an idea of his personality and we warm up to each other. Is that understood?"

He glanced about the room, making sure he saw a nod of the head and a firm yes from everyone present. With a sigh, he slumped back in his chair and closed his eyes. But he opened them again as someone squeezed his hand gently. It was Seonghwa.

Hongjoong frowned questioningly. He was so tired and just wished everyone one would stop annoying him. But his brow smoothed, as his hyung spoke to him in his soft murmuring voice

"Hongjoong, are you okay?"

With barely any hesitation, Hongjoong shook his head. "I am worried, Seonghwa. I just want Manager-nim to come back."

Seonghwa nodded. "Me too, Hongjoong. Me too."

The sound of a door opening bought everyone out of their moody thoughts. An unfamiliar man had entered the room. He was taller than Mingi and Yunho, was dressed well and had a short clean-cut beard. All of this put together, created an intimidating figure.

The man strode to the middle of the room to face them.

"I am Manger Ho, the substitute manager" he greeted in a deep yet mellow voice. "I hope we get along well."

Hongjoong didn't want to jump to conclusions, but the latter sounded more like a threat than an encouraging statement. He bowed to the older man.

"I am Hongjoong, the leader of Ateez." He was a little unsure of what else to say, not knowing if the manager knew them all or not.

The manager sensed his uncertainty and nodded. "I was given a lot of information by your previous manager. He is obviously fond of you all as I suppose you are him. But this leads me to something else". He paused and glanced over the group, before his gaze returned to Hongjoong. "I expect the same respect and treatment you would have given him. And you as the leader, must help ensure that."

Hongjoong almost winced at his wording and quickly glanced towards Wooyoung. Beside him, he felt Seonghwa do the same. Wooyoung was stifling a laugh and mischievously nudging San with his elbow. It wasn't that Wooyoung didn't respect their old manager, but he sometimes became too casual and treated the manager as a same age friend. The manager didn't really mind. He was fond of the boys and knew too well they had him wrapped about the finger. Of course, Wooyoung wasn't the only one who played around with and pranked the manager. They all did. But it would be Wooyoung who would take the new manager's words literally and convince his team members to do the same.

The manager saw the leader's and eldest's heads turn and followed their gaze. He frowned. "Wooyoung, do you have something to share with us?"

Wooyoung's smile faltered. He glanced at San, then towards Hongjoong, before hesitantly meeting Manager Ho's gaze. "No?"

"Then refrain from that irritating giggle" the manager snapped back at him.

The other seven members all glanced towards Wooyoung. They knew he had been sensitive lately, especially as anti-fans had been cruelly accusing him of being too loud in their v-lives and interviews. San's eyes darkened as Wooyoung lowered his head in silence. If it had been our old manager scolding him, Woo would have  jokingly whooped even louder, he thought bitterly. And for once in his lifetime, the well-mannered kind-hearted San felt a raging anger rise within him. He was going to show this manager just how respectful he could be. And as he looked at his team members, he knew he was not alone.

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