Cruel Words - Sequel (part 1)

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Wooyoung was a very loving person. He was both extremely physical and vocal with his love, although his kisses and and cuddles were sometimes more to just be annoying to his other members and simply for the fun of it. But it was no lie that he loved with all his being, and that sharing his love brought him great happiness.

But one thing he was not, was a pushover. And this was why Hongjoong was currently sitting on the couch, watching Wooyoung offer his bag of chips to Jongho.

Now, it was no secret that the two were very fond of each other, with Wooyoung being one of Jongho's favourite hyungs, and Jongho being a much loved dongsaeng to Wooyoung. They were very brother-like to each other, often caught teasing and bickering with a Tom and Jerry relationship, but very close and secretly affectionate.

But this was getting beyond ridiculous, because Jongho was already eating a bowl of ramyeon that Wooyoung had made for him...unasked!

Hongjoong had briefly suspect this to be a case of blackmail, but seeing that Jongho looked just as surprised and perhaps even vaguely annoyed by all this attention, Hongjoong soon dismissed the idea. But the fact that Jongho didn't seem to understand Wooyoung's behavior either, made the situation all the more suspicious. Maybe Wooyoung had done something wrong and he was trying to appease Jongho before Jongho found out about it. But try as he could, Hongjoong couldn't think of any incidents recently or of Jongho complaining about anything being broken.

Hongjoong shook his head. It wasn't really fair to be so suspicious of Wooyoung just because he was in a generous mood. Besides, it wasn't the first time Wooyoung had cooked for the group.

But as he turned back to his phone, Hongjoong could still not rid himself of the feeling that something was not quite right. At the moment, Mingi excitedly entered the room, his face beaming with a wide smile.

"Hey, Jongho. Check out this video I found of you online." He leaned over the couch to hold the phone in front of Jongho.

Hongjoong also leaned closer, curious as to what had their full attention. It was a short clip of Jongho reaching his highest notes. Despite hearing Jongho practicing all the time, Ateez never tired of hearing him perform. Hongjoong shook his head in amusement and went back to his phone.

"You sing so well, maknae-ah" Mingi told Jongho proudly. "You never fail to amaze us all."

Jongho beamed at the praise, but then his expression faltered. "Really, hyung?" he asked in surprise, seeming a little doubtful. "I was actually considering taking on more vocal lessons in my free time. I want to refine my skills and not rely on belting out the notes so much."

"What makes you say that?" asked Hongjoong, looking up sharply.

His question was met with a long uncomfortable silence. Mingi and Wooyoung both turned to look at Jongho as they waited to hear his reply. Jongho shrank back at their concerned looks, and gave a small shrug.

"I don't know, hyung," he finally muttered. "I just want to do the best that I am capable of. Nothing wrong with that, is there?"

Hongjoong studied him. Jongho stared back at him defiantly, but Hongjoong noticed how his shoulders had become stiff. He pretended not to notice however.

"No, nothing wrong with that, Jongho. I am proud of you for taking your singing so seriously, but remember not to overdo it. We have already been quite busy lately."

Jongho nodded, but he seemed to lose himself in thought as he looked away.

Hongjoong sighed. Why was he getting a strange sense of deja vu from all this? It was almost like a replay of a similar situation. But so much had happened lately, that Hongjoong couldn't think of what was bothering him.
He shrugged and went back to his phone. It was no doubt just a fleeting moment, and all would be well.

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