The Pranksters (part 1)

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Author's Note: I am sorry, my dear readers. I know you preferred long chapters over having them split in half, but this was going to be like 10,000 words if I didn't put it in parts. And Wattpad doesn't seem to be able to handle that well. 

And I know you guys have been waiting for too long. Part 2 won't take as long as this one did, I promise :)

Hongjoong paced the room back and forth, his hands on his head as though he was trying to squeeze it flat.

"I don't know what to do, Seonghwa," he muttered for must have been about the fifth time. "I don't just want to march up there and accuse them. But... Oh, I will kill them if it is true."

Seonghwa was sitting at the table, calmly drinking a cup of hot tea, as he watched the leader pace back and forth through the the living room. "Well, you definitely can't go and talk to them while you are like this, Hongjoong. Come and sit down."

Hongjoong spun about on his heels, and marched over to join Seonghwa at the table. "I am angry at myself, Seonghwa," he moaned. "I was so cranky at Mingi and now this. Do you really think they would have taken it so far."

Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, before pushing a freshly poured cup in Hongjoong's direction. "You still haven't even given me any details. You have just been ranting about 'them' and 'they' and 'confronting' someone. Maybe start from the beginning."

Hongjoong sucked in a deep breath, before slowly letting it out again. It made him immediately feel a lot calmer, and he felt extremely grateful for Seonghwa's presence. "Mingi says the dorm is haunted. Over the last few weeks, he says the lights will suddenly flick off, or he hears footsteps and voices outside his door at night. Even things in his rooms will change position or disappear and return again. One night, there was a constant knocking on his door, but whenever he opened it, no one was there."

"You mean-" Seonghwa interrupted as he pushed his cup to one side and leaned forward. "You think the members are pranking him?"

"Well, what else, Seonghwa?" Hongjoong snapped, throwing his hands up in the air. "No one else has complained of these things. The other members' rooms are close enough to his to quickly move back into, and every one knows how superstitious and easily frightened Mingi is. Oh, it makes my blood boil to think one of them is using it against him."

Seonghwa was silent for a long moment. "Hongjoong," he finally muttered in a low voice. "I don't think it is just one of them."

"Why?" Hongjoong's eyes blazed at this statement.

Seonghwa started fidgeting with his cup, watching the liquid swirl from side to side. "When San got hurt, and Mr Cheol dragged Mingi away, San went hysterical, begging me to go stop it because it was his fault. I told him he wasn't to blame because he didn't know that Mingi hadn't moved behind him. San just buried his head in his arms and just repeatedly cried 'poor Mingi' over and over again. And then we got to the van, Yeosang also burst into tears, saying that it was all their fault and that they should have taken better care of Mingi so that he wouldn't have been so tired. I thought they just meant caring for him as his members, but maybe..." His voice trailed away, with a despairing sigh.

Hongjoong mulled over this. In his mind's eye, he could clearly see Yeosang's guilty face staring back at him. But even more vividly, he saw the panicked look in Wooyoung's eyes as he pulled Yeosang away. Surely...

He rose to his feet. "I am going to get to the end of this. But for their sake's, we had better be mistaken." Then seeing, Seonghwa's concerned look, he shook his head. "I won't actually kill them, Seonghwa. But I need to know."

He left the oldest member, and headed up the stairs. By the light gleaming under the door, he guessed that the members were still awake. He was about to raise his hand to knock, when he heard a murmur of voices.

8-Teez Makes Chaos (spanking fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora