Jongho's Injustice - Part 3

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The meal went by with a tense atmosphere. Wooyoung and Mingi attempted to be extra loud and silly to cover the growing awkwardness and tension, but even their seemingly limitless energy began to fail them. Seonghwa tried his hardest too, but managed to only make it more awkward with his attempts at small talk. San played along with everyone, and managed to ease a smile out of Yeosang, but it faded quickly when Jongho glared at him, as though daring him to be happy after all the chaos he had caused.

Hongjoong eventually had enough and decided that as Ateez's leader, he had to end it before it blew. Putting aside all the insecurities that had been piling up, he put on a stern face and rose to his feet.

"Living room now. We are holding a group meeting."

The other members all froze and stared at him, before glancing at each other. Seeing the hesitation, Seonghwa immediately pushed back his chair and rose to his feet. Slowly but surely the others followed his lead. They all gathered into the living room and squished themselves onto the couches there, with Wooyoung deciding to lie across San and Yeosang rather than on the couch itself. San in return, leaned back against Mingi, who flopped against Yunho. Jongho scowled at them as he went to sit on one of the single armchairs, Seonghwa took the other. Hongjoong entered the living room and went to stand at the front of the semi-circle, nodding to Seonghwa in appreciation for having taken the initiative.

Taking a deep breath, he faced his members. "Okay, I want to go over the rules and all the changes that will be made, including consequences for breaking those rules." He hesitated as the members all shifted uncomfortable, Yeosang unconsciously reaching for Wooyoung's and San's hand. Hongjoong tried to ignore the growing tension and continued. "I know it has been difficult, for some more than others, but changes are going to be made whether we like it or not. It is just going to be easier to flow with it, than go against it. We are not going to like it, but that is the way it will be."

 He paused again, and waited for all the members to nod their understanding, before continuing. "The rules are basic and ones we should all know and already be following. No fighting. No disrespecting or disobeying your elders and seniors. Behaving in public, including on lives. No going out alone without permission. I think we all know the rules, so lets move on to the consequences. I think we will all be familiar with them. It includes anything ranging from corporal punishment to groundings. We have already been using the groundings and time outs, but the company wants us to get stricter.  I know this is awkward for all of us, but this is the industry we work in. Here is how it goes. Seonghwa and I are in charge of disciplining all of you. The 99 liners may discipline Jongho if needed," here he avoided Jongho's sharp accusing gaze, "but I prefer you leave that to us Matz hyungs. Yes, Mingi," he asked as he noticed Mingi's hand shoot up.

"What about you and Seonghwa-hyung? Or do you get out of it?" Mingi wanted to know.

Hongjoong shifted, his cheeks flushing. He could still feel the pain from the belting he had received. "In some groups, it is common for the leader to still discipline the oldest or vice versa, but because we are same age, it is most likely to be dealt with by a manager. I guess it will just depend on the situation." He nodded to Wooyoung who had also risen his hand.

"Did Eden ever smack you?" he wanted to know, not even trying to suppress his taunting smile.

Hongjoong frowned thoughtfully. "Not really, that I remember. I guess I was too busy trying to impress him. Maybe he did a bit later. Anymore questions? Yes, Yeosang?"

Yeosang glanced at the others nervously, before looking back to the leader. " there a specific way the punishment will be done? Will it always be the same?"

Hongjoong's mind immediately reeled back to earlier that day. It had been so wrong. "No, Yeosang," he told him gently. "It won't be anything like that."

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