He Jianshan reviewed all the pasts between him and Lin Hui in his heart - from the affair/event a week ago, to the work cooperation and private communication over the years, to their first meeting. After thinking about it, I realized that after so many years, there is really only one Lin Hui who can stand firmly by his side.

It seems that from the beginning, he was different, after all, he was never "scared" of him.

This is amazing, because of his identity, status or other things, He Jianshan can always feel that other employees of the company have a sense of awe towards him, but Lin Hui does not. Of course, maybe he was nervous when he was with him at first, but that was because they were still very unfamiliar with each other, and the work had not yet been fully started. I don't know since when, they became the kind of relationship that they were after—

It is a subordinate, but not like a subordinate; like a friend, but not a true friend in the traditional sense.

He Jianshan clicked on WeChat and saw his avatar: it is the city skyline at dusk, the gray and cold buildings have taken off the solemnity of winter and put on a soft golden coat . This was taken by Lin Hui. He stood in the hotel suite that day and said with a smile, "Mr. He, give me your cell phone." Behind him, the sunset spread like a golden river like melting gold. He stopped his work and watched Lin Hui pick up his mobile phone. The afterglow fell on him, and a thin layer of mist floated up, which made people feel a little soft and itchy.

Lin Hui recorded the scene in front of him with his mobile phone, and he also recorded the scene in front of him.

He Jianshan changed his profile picture to this photo. He still remembered that Lin Hui was a little surprised when he saw it, but he nodded as a matter of course: "You have always liked these." He didn't know how Lin Hui defined "like" and what "these" were. Compared to him, he really likes to photograph all kinds of buildings: they are hard, regular, and cold, but most of the time they are affected by sunlight, rain, flowers on the eaves, cats in the corners, or just some shadows and colors. Become fresh and lively.

Like people, they are constantly looking for and waiting for the most suitable partner.

Lin Hui is different. He seems to like everything. When he follows him, he often takes pictures along the way. Once when they visited a park, Lin Hui took a picture of a blue manhole cover on the road. He said that he had never seen a blue one and thought it was very interesting. He Jianshan didn't know what was interesting, but since he said that, in his eyes, there was probably something interesting.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt curious, wondering what Lin Hui sees himself in his eyes?

He Jianshan turned his attention to Lin Hui's WeChat, he clicked on the chat page for a while, then locked his phone. He and Lin Hui have not been in touch for a week. He deliberately endured and didn't take the initiative to find him. This was not a little love trick, but he felt that he and Lin Hui needed a period of time without each other to calm down.

To be honest, love is not his field of expertise, and it will not be like a professional team to help him analyze and discuss. What is certain is that he likes Lin Hui, even from a long time ago. He Jianshan himself felt speechless. He and Lin Hui were like the sky in front of him. The clouds were too thick and blocked a lot of things. He ignored a lot of things, so much so that even now, he was so clumsy that he couldn't even grasp Lin Hui's mind. However, He Jianshan has never been a timid person. When he is determined to want something, he will get it by all means. Everything in this world is like a window with curtains drawn. If you don't open it, you will never get the moonlight. .

Love is the same.

When Lin Hui said in the office that day as if nothing had happened, He Jianshan knew that he had made a mistake. He wished and couldn't wait to show his sincerity, but he didn't think about whether Lin Hui was at the same intersection with him. He couldn't describe how nervous he was when he rushed home excitedly and found that the house was empty, and then found Lin Hui in the office two days later. He even thought about how to speak, but Lin Hui wanted to return to the past. At that time, what kind of mood was it - that balloon full of desire, after bursting, what floated down was not the ribbon of celebration, but the frost and snow in the middle of the night.

At that moment, He Jianshan's heart was full of sourness and frustration.

He suddenly realized that for Lin Hui, that night was a mistake, and he tried to fix it.

For a few seconds, He Jianshan wanted to say "No, no, I don't agree", but when he saw the confusion and helplessness in Lin Hui's eyes, he softened again .

Lin Hui was uneasy, he felt it.

It was his fault, he thought. Even if Feng Ying is very disgusting, why is he not pushing the boat through selfishness? He and Lin Hui were supposed to be the most tacit working partners, but in the end, he took him to cross the line and forcibly changed the relationship between the two when he was not sober. Based on what he knew about Lin Hui, "going back to the past" was probably the safest and most decent solution that he could come up with after careful consideration. He should be thankful that his reckless thoughts were stifled in the cradle that morning. Love is not a job. It is like the strictest train timetable. Arriving ahead of time does not help a relationship that has not yet fermented. He shouldn't ignore logic and try to catalyze feelings from an accident because of his eagerness. Lin Hui should have a complete and sincere love: fragrant, long, warm, like the soft moonlight, and like a blooming rose.

This is what he wants to give him.

He will seriously pursue Lin Hui, he does not need to respond, let alone test how he views two men together, for him, gender, age, family background and all other things that the world cares about are never won't be any problem.

He only needs to care about his heart.

Whether he is willing to give his heart.

He Jianshan slowly closed his eyes: in the "love" project, he chose to take a step back. This time, let him stand behind Lin Hui and hand over the progress bar to him—

Play, pause, fast forward, rewind.

In this relationship, Lin Huihui is the only controller.

The author has something to say:

Go backwards.

Because I am not a full-time author, I am busy with work and life, so I can't update you every day like other authors, so after entering V, I can only do my best to ensure the current frequency, I hope everyone Do not mind. The relationship between the two will enter a new stage next week. Let's meet at 0:00 on Tuesday. Happy New Year's Day!

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