ds errormare

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This is requested by PassiveNootNoot ! I was given a few ships to choose from, so I chose some errormare- because- well it's errormare and I love that ship with all my skin- I only have one heart but we've got lots of skin sooo I feel it's better

This one shot will contain: fluff and cross being a bit of a third wheel also one singular cuss word [they will get alone time together no worries]

Nightmare, Cross, and Error had been playing Mario kart on the [freshly stolen, credits to cross] Ds4. For a few weeks now error had been struggling to tell nightmare about his love for him, it's not like cross is aware of his tendency to third wheel- poor guy doesn't even know he's been third wheeling.
      "Nightmare..?" Error whispered, nightmare turning his head to face error before promptly being blue shelled by cross, knocking him out of 1st place. "Ye- AGH- CROSS!" He snapped his head towards cross's direction, cross grinning as if he just committed the most atrocious crime known to man. Error frowned, he figured that now wasn't really the time.. although for the past week it wasn't ever the time.
        He sighed, getting up and deciding to go to his room. Cross had taken notice of this, curious. He's noticed that error had been a bit odd lately, cross wasn't that great with emotional stuff but he knows that when a friend is upset you're supposed to help them, you could literally just sit there and be with them and that was enough. "Nightmare, can ya get some snacks really quick before we start next round?" Cross stared down at nightmare after asking him that, nightmare wasn't good with emotional stuff either but he's most likely to make someone cry without meaning to. Nightmare huffed, still upset over his previous loss and lack of skill. "Yeah, you guys want popcorn or-?" Cross had interrupted. "Popcorn, m'ms, y'know, the good stuff! And don't poison the popcorn please-" he joked, grinning as he now decided to follow error.
              While nightmare was getting the good stuff prepared, error was currently sitting in his room face down in the pillow. "Hey, are you sleeping?" Cross gently tugged at the blanket, wanting to check if error was alright. He was relieved when he had seen error sit up in the bed, rubbing his eyes. "Are you feeling okay dude? It's a bit late currently but I didn't think you'd get sleepy, you usually have no problem staying up late with us!" Error knew it was wrong to just stay upset at cross, especially since cross didn't know so there was no point on hiding it and just getting more upset.. sometimes you just gotta be direct, especially with cross considering how dense cross could be.
     "Yeah I'm okay, I'm not sick, but I wanna tell you something..And you have to promise not to immediately tell nightmare-!" Cross listened intently, curious about what kind of lore or something that error was about to drop. "Okay..so, I like nightmare- not in the way that you like him but I mean- like like him- this past week I've been trying to tell him.. it's..not going well- and at this point I don't really care if I get rejected because..I at least want to tell him, I can't just pretend like I've never felt that way for him..!" Well, this was definitely lore; just not what cross was expecting.
      "Oh..OH-! oh," cross paused, "I was the third wheel, wasn't i- crap- sorry dude!" Cross's mind was slowly starting to connect the puzzle pieces of how many times he's interrupted and realizing just how long error had liked nightmare for..which is, not approximately, quite a long time. "I wanna apologize- so.. I've decided! I'm going to help you this time- also please tell me if I'm doing it again, I think I'm kinda dumb to understand-"
      Error huffed, he can't be mad at cross if cross didn't know besides there was no reason in being mad at cross. Cross was friends with nightmare too, it's not his fault. "You know you don't have to apologize, he's your friend too. But.. you'd actually help me with telling him?" Cross offering to help error do this carried much more weight than a simple apology ever could, he was honestly glad that cross wanted to help..since he was nervous and didn't really think he could do it alone.
    "Yeah, of course I would! You're my best friend error..and I feel bad and wanna help..! I know I'm not that smart, but I'm sure I can still help somehow-!" He heard the sound of the microwave beeping, getting up. "Here, let's go now!" He dragged error by the sleeve, error not minding very much since at least it wasn't just dragging him by the arm.
   "Wait wait wait-! Right now-? I'm not ready, I wanna be read-" before he could finish his sentence he was shoved almost directly into nightmare, nightmare nearly toppling over from cross's miscalculation of strength needed. "Ah-! Sorry nightmare!" He pulled nightmare closer to him in an attempt to prevent him from falling.
        "It's okay, what's going on? You seemed to be in a rush." He tried to hide the fluttering feeling in his chest, slightly backing up to have more space.
    "Um- I have something I've been wanting to tell you, for a long time actually-! I've been trying to do it this past week, but I've had- technical difficulties-" Error had taken a deep breath, taking nightmare's hands into his and trying his best to look him in the eyes.
      Cross sat on the couch, watching and eating popcorn as quietly as he could.
                   "Nightmare, we've been friends for so long, it honestly makes me feel much older when I look back on how long we've been friends but.. I've grown a little bit more than fond of you, and well, I like you. And-! Not just in a friendship way, like- I really like you, I want to go on dates with you, hold hands..I really, really like you and I can understand if you don't think the same, we've been friends for so long and this might make it awkward but even if, I still enjoyed being your friend so I don't mind if we just stay friends-!" Error was really nervous, practically vibrating.
       Nightmare smiled, that smile faltering within a few minutes before he bursted out laughing. From an outside point of view this looks really cruel, and error was practically on the verge of tears internally since he thought nightmare was making fun of him. "Sorry-! Sorry-! I like you too, really!" He smiled, his face heating up as he told error these things, "I just realized that we never really were dating up until now I guess- because I kinda just assumed we were dating and for months I would call you my boyfriend but I didn't even know and just- ack- " Nightmare for months, wasn't even aware they weren't dating- he should've suspected something when error didn't kiss him or hold his hand, unfortunately he did not and now here they were.
      Error huffed, he should've known, "If you thought we were dating why didn't you kiss me or hold my hand or go on dates-" Nightmare wasn't a very straightforward person when it came to this he's the kind of boyfriend who will awkwardly set his hand next to yours in hopes that you would hold it. "Well, how about we make it official this time? We'll be boyfriends, this time with both of us knowing-!"
        Nightmare was beaming, doing a little nod as he laced fingers with error's. "Yes! I'd love to, and this time we'll have actual dates!"

Cross watched from the kitchen, sneakily stealing food as he grinned to himself. Those two were happy and so was he, he's got the coolest friends and yummy snacks. Everything will be okay.

The end, hope you enjoyed and sorry for the long wait- I tend to get distracted or just busy at times!

Up next: killermare, guardianheart, outerkiller

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