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I made this for a friend regarding a rp we are doing- TangledUpGaming/Br0k3n-L1ght
B o n e s e x
• strings

Error had sat down on the bed, nightmare sitting next to him as their hands had intertwined fingers. They were on their honeymoon currently, everything's already been such a delight. There was lots of good food at where they had been staying, the room was also nice and the bed was comfy and clean. They had went to the beach earlier- although nightmare had refused to go into the water- he just collected seashells and made a very extravagant sand castle.
"It's been nice, huh love?" Error had questioned, turning his head over to his husband. Corrupt just smiled, it truly has been quite nice. He had pulled error by the front of his shirt into a kiss, pulling away after a few moments. "Mhm, although I wish it had lasted longer- but the boys are probably waiting for us at home- hopefully they didn't set anything on fire-" error had cupped nightmare's cheeks, peppering his face all over with soft, quick kisses. "I'm sure they are fine, mi amor. Cross is making sure they're being good." Error had pulled nightmare on top of him, lightly rubbing his back, although he made sure to steer clear from the base of any of the tentacles due to what was it-? A year or so ago? Unless.. nightmare did want him to do that. "Remember how you and I would jokingly talk about me stringing you up?"
  Nightmare's face would go teal, nodding. "Would you want to try it, like now?" The thought of it made error feel his face go hot, nightmare currently thinking. "Yeah, I'd like to try-! Be careful with me, alright?" Error would nod, pulling nightmare into a very passionate kiss, nightmare had shivered slightly being able to feel all of error's tongues beginning to explore his mouth. The two had pulled away for a moment, a strand of saliva having connected their mouths. Nightmare could already feel his body fill with warmth, honestly he was nervous but yet this excited him lots. He couldn't help but watch as error had taken off his shirt and other apparel, his gaze going down to Error's ribs- staring at Error's ribs made him feel perverted for looking. So, he had looked away beginning to undress himself too now. This time, nightmare had been the one to pull his husband into one of those kisses. He didn't dominate the kiss, though. He was certainly enjoying the feel of Error's tongues wrapping around his, it leaving him breathless for a good few minutes afterwards. 
  Error had sat nightmare on his lap, his strings now making his way around the other's arms and tentacles, intertwining them together and making nice little intricate designs around them with the strings. He could hear nightmare's breath hitch, having noticed that the strings were lightly pressing against the base of nightmare's tentacles. Nightmare could swear that error could hear his soul beating, that was the loudest sound currently. A mischievous look crossed Error's face, nightmare drinking it all in for a good moment before he had realized what error had intended to do. He had felt the strings tighten around the base of his tentacles, squeezing them.
  Nightmare had let out quite a loud, erotic noise as he had noticed tears forming in his eye. He wasn't in any pain, though. He's never felt this much pleasure build up and release- ever since well never- but made him feel such bliss. (Not me spending several minutes trying to search for this exact word because I forgot what it's called: major L) Error had noticed these tears, loosening the strings a bit and worriedly checking in on his lover, only for nightmare to shake his head. "It's fine, keep going, please?" Error had nodded, now beginning to swarm nightmare with kisses all over, some of the kisses trailing down to his ribs which had resulted in nightmare making just the sweetest of noises for error. The room had honestly felt a lot warmer than before, but it wasn't hot or uncomfortably warm. More so a loving, comforting type of warm, the type of warm that'd you have when spending days with your loved ones, doing nothing but cuddling, staying in as the rain poured outside as you huddled closer to the fireplace. That, that was the kind of warm that nightmare felt with error.
  He liked looking up and seeing error above him, he liked having his hands and his tentacles tied up like this, although in other situations if it was someone else leaving him immobilized like this- he'd probably be yelling a string of fancy ye olden English expletives at the person. Error had grabbed nightmare's hips very gently, beginning to move him on his pelvis. Their pelvises had moved against each other's, the friction causing both of them to make quite titillating noises. Nightmare had wrapped his legs around Error's waist, error rubbing in a semi-circular motion. After quite some time, they had sped up the pace, their noises filling the room and perhaps being heard next door.. luckily, the rooms were thick walled so perhaps only just little murmurs of nightmare could've been heard. Either way he would've still been quite embarrassed if they did end up getting a noise complaint.
  This had all continued until both of them had gotten quite tired. Error had untied nightmare, peppering his face with kisses and then proceeding to cover both of their bare boned bodies in the blankets. Nightmare had huddled closer to error, wrapping an arm around him as he layed his head on Error's chest and the two both drifted off to sleep.
  Killer grinned, watching as nightmare read through the smut, his dress occasionally reflecting the light that shone upon it. Horror couldn't help but chuckle, trying to hide it with how he'd cover his mouth with his hands. Nightmare's face went teal, turning to killer with a look of 'i will carve your bones into a nice little decorative piece so I advise you to start running, fool'. Killer just chuckled nervously, proceeding to do just that.

Happy birthday :D

Also- to everyone else I am still working on things! I am almost done with a horror berry one, thank you guys for being patient!

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