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Forrr: MrBaldwin000 ^^

Contains: Fluff, inkmare(obviously), a little surprise at the end •w-

Ink had walked through the door to his and nightmare's shared house, nightmare had long retired from his work as a negative guardian now that the positive-negative balance was set and the truce had been made. If either side of the balance was too much, the other would just tilt it slightly with intervening. Yet, ink and Error's fights were still very very crucial to the multiverse, unfortunately the two couldn't set a truce and so ink still had to work. Nightmare had looked up from the book he had been reading, putting a slip of paper in between the pages before laying it down on the table besides him. He had gotten up, enveloping ink into a hug, he could feel that ink was having an off day especially with how he had came home upset. 
   Nightmare was excellent at reading emotions and body language so he didn't need to be told anything, ink immediately crumbled, leaning into nightmare's touch. "Bad day?" Nightmare had asked, leading ink to the kitchen and setting him down on the counter. Ink had nodded, confirming that he did indeed have a bad day. "Hm, then would you like for me to make you something to eat and then you can have a bath?" Nightmare had thought his cooking was adequate, it wasn't really anything special atleast with how he saw it anyways but ink has always adored nightmare's cooking. "Mhm.. please..!"
Nightmare would nod, getting out the ingredients for what he was going to make: white rice, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, and mozzarella cheese. Ink had watched nightmare prepare the food, a soft smile on his face. Nightmare started off by boiling rice and while he waited for it to be finished he had prepared the rest of the ingredients by chopping them up into little pieces so that he could mix it with the rice. Once the rice was finished he put it into a bowl, added the vegetables, sprinkled the mozzarella cheese, salted and mixed everything together. (Writing this just made me hungry- you owe me food now /j ) He had served ink the food, giving him a gentle peck on the cheek.
   Nightmare didn't necessarily need food so it was just nice for him to watch his loved one eat it, he fed off of negativity anyways and it has been abundant for him so he didn't need to worry about starving. His boys still did visit, horror had returned to his au and so nightmare's been sending little care packages home with horror when horror would visit so that horror and his brother would have something to eat. Ink smiled, eating the food quite quickly as if he hadn't eaten in years or something. While ink had been eating nightmare had figured he should go and set up ink's bath, he didn't quite like water much. He went to the bathroom, going to the bathtub and turning on the water, he made sure that the water was warm but not too warm.
His next step was to get everything else ready, meaning towels, soap, washclothes, ...and a very optional rainbow bath bomb. Nightmare originally got it during pride month as a gift for ink as a little joke a few years back- it was in a little box that he wrote gay on. No surprise though that ink ended up literally hording it due to its colorful nature, but nightmare figured it was time for it to be used. Nightmare could not use bath bombs as the last time he did parts of his tentacles, goopy bones were dyed in several shades of blue and it was awful and humiliating for nightmare. He set the soap, the bath bomb and the wash clothes on the side of the tub for easy reaching while the towel sat folded on a stool besides the tub, ink needed a stool to reach the sink since the house wasn't built for someone who was 3.8 feet tall. (Had to look this up since I wanted to be precise- I have no clue why I just did.).
      Nightmare had finished the bath way after ink had finished eating since ink ate like a starved raccoon, very fast. So, when it was finished he went to escort ink to his bath.  Ink was honestly grateful to have been in a relationship with nightmare, sure nightmare on the outside was probably just the meanest most intimidating person ever, but on the inside with just him and the others that he's close with? He is absolutely the most sweetest, caring, empathetic people you'd ever meet. Nightmare definitely has a soft spot for those that he's close with.
Ink had smiled, taking off his scarf and other things like gloves first before giving nightmare a light kiss. He was grateful to have been with nightmare and nightmare felt the same way. "Well, I'll leave you be so that you can take your bath, call me if you need anything, alright?" He'd lightly noogie ink's head, ink nodding. "I will! And..thank you moonie!" Nightmare had always been a sucker for such affectionate nicknames, it made him feel weak in a lovey dovey way was wonderful.
   Nightmare had never been loved like ink loves him, he's never had crushes or anything before he had gotten with ink. That being said, ink was really really important to him and so nightmare would do anything to make ink happy. Once ink had finished his bath, he had joined nightmare in their bedroom. Nightmare immediately enveloping ink into his blanketed embrace. He was warm and cozy in all those blankets and wanted to share the feeling with ink. Ink couldn't help but smile, wrapping his arms around nightmare's neck and pulling him into a kiss. Already those two acted like a married couple, despite not yet being engaged. For months nightmare had been trying to propose to ink but his nerves got the best of him and he ends up losing the courage he built up. To him, ink was perfect..he knows about why ink has vials but it hasn't bothered him. Whether emotionless or not, he still loved ink.
    Nightmare took a deep breathe, it was now or never.

He said yes, ink tackling nightmare into a hug and smiling warmly. Nightmare had leaned into the embrace, peppering ink's face with an immense amount of soft kisses. He had set the ring asides for now, not wanting it to get lost in the bed sheets with how impetuously affectionate the two were to each other. They would've lost the ring in the sheets if nightmare hadn't made a mental note. "AAAAA MOONIE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH-!"

"I love you too, Lovebug."

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