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Greetings ladies, gents, and gints today's astounding request is brought to you by: lost-boy-101-!

This contains: angst, horrorberry

Horror had been walking with his boyfriend to the store to get some ingredients for dinner. As they had walked there, he could've sworn that there were people murmuring about them. "He looks filthy..and scary..that poor skeleton might be being held hostage or he just pities him enough to stay by him." Horror just knew that the monsters had been talking about him, it worried him and made him feel upset. Was blue's love only because he had pitied him? Because he was in a famine and blue took pity on him just to make himself look good? Could that have been why? This whole relationship to make blue look better? They had reached the store, now going inside.
  Generally other monsters and humans alike had avoided horror, intimidated by him or just not used to an odd looking newcomer. Either way he and blue went around the store collecting the taco ingredients. Although horror still couldn't help but think about earlier, were they actually right about this? He had hoped not but he felt a burning feeling in his throat..he didn't know from what but he hated that feeling, he couldn't get any words out because of it. Once they had gotten home, horror just broke down. Tears filling his eye sockets and then proceeding to waterfall down his face, he hated this, he hated thinking about those things, he hated that his mind had decided to play this not so silly trick on him. Blue had set the groceries down rushing over to horror immediately to see what's wrong and what he could do to help him feel better. He cared about horror, he hated seeing him so miserable.
   "Ror? What's wrong, hey hey..shh.. let's take deep breaths okay..?" He had taken horror's hand, rubbing light circles along his palm in a comforting manner. It took horror a few moments, taking a deep breath, holding it, and letting it out, he repeated this process until he was only trembling. Blue looked at horror with worry, he had wondered what had caused all of this. He didn't hear anything of what the monsters had gossiped about but he was ready to reassure horror of anything and everything, making horror happy was a hill that blue would fight to the death on.
  Horror had wiped the tears off on his sleeve, pulling blue close into a tight hug. It had taken horror a few moments for his grip to loosen and actually Start talking about what had upset him so much. "Do you only like me because you pity me and see me as a way to pretend to be a good person..?" Blue had placed his hands on his hips, shaking his head. "What makes you think that? Horror, there are lots of things that I feel for you and pity isn't one of them, you're strong, stronger than me which even I as the magnificent sans is something that I'm not too willing to admit! You've been through lots of bad things, you're resilient! But I never did pity you, I love you horror and no matter what anyone else says..well- well don't listen to them! They're just a bunch of jerks who are very insecure, I know you are one of the nicest people I've ever met! Anyone else who doesn't see it doesn't know what they're missing out on!"
  He couldn't help but smile, nuzzling blue. His worries had subsided, atleast for right now anyways. It's been a few years since that incident, he and blue were married now although he had noticed that recently blue had seemed distant. He wanted to bring it up but didn't want to be pushy or annoying, today, they were currently cuddling and watching a movie, the movie was almost at the end. Blue had been fidgeting with his bandana nervously, when the movie had ended he had glanced over at a smiling horror. When blue had spoken, his voice too had seemed all nervous. "H- Hey..horror..?" Horror had glanced over at his husband, confused by his nervous tone. "I want to tell you something..but..please promise you won't get upset alright..?" This only made horror begin to get nervous as well, wondering what blue might confess to him. Did he cheat on him? Kill his best friend? Somehow destroy his home? It was a basket full of anxious surprises that he'd find out in just a matter of moments.
    Except, what was said from blue was totally different from what he expected..but then..why was blue so nervous. "I got into the Royal guard..!" Horror just smiled, he was happy for blue. Recently everyone had moved to the surface and toriel had kept the royal guard around, creating a monster AND human kingdom in which they both now lived in, of course like many new changes, some humans were unwilling to live with the idea of monsters being on the surface while others had happily welcomed this and were more than ecstatic to find out and had moved near the monster kingdom.
   "Why's that a bad thing? That's good for you, you know I wouldn't get upset at you for achieving yer dreams-!" Blue took a deep breathe, letting it out. "They're stationing me at the border to make sure any bad humans don't try and hurt anyone, I might be gone for a little bit.." Horror seemed to visually deflate at hearing that. "But-! But-! Don't worry I'll be really careful I promise!" Blue had cupped horror's cheeks, peppering him with kisses. He just smiled, glad that his husband would be careful or atleast try to.
    Horror stood at blue's gravestone, laying some freshly picked forget-me-nots on the grave besides his bandana and his guard hat that sat on top of it. He wiped his tears off on his sleeves.

    "I hate humans..s'not fair..!"

The end! I am still working on other requests, thank you guys for being very patient!

A Generic Sanscest one shots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora