"I'm sorry.."

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Hehee guess who's making a one shot on my messed up dreamtale au but now nightmare's stuck with cross and the others, I am :> AHAHA- so anyways this is crossmare angst from that au of mine um- some warnings before we begin- gore, angst, throwing up, subconscious starvation, death, implied one sided errormare, swearing and cannibalism now, you may be thinking that from these warnings like: lumine what the actual heck is wrong with you? And to that I say, yesn't. Random burst of inspiration and motivation. (Also yes, they are humans in this because I don't think you can do much Gore with bones- atleast I don't think- other than melting)

Nightmare looked around, it was quite dark in the base..and quiet, he didn't mind the dark nor the quiet but something felt off. He felt off in general, he wasn't supposed to leave his room, he was supposed to stay isolated during all this, his arms having been bound together. But, he was curious, despite his isolation from the others in the base isolated and cut off from everybody else, he had made friends with someone, perhaps he was even more than friends with that someone. Cross. Cross was much bigger than nightmare, he had medium black hair and a scar that had rested on his cheek, sometimes he heard cross talking to himself but cross was actually quite nice.
Sometimes he'd visit the room that nightmare resided in, keeping him company and sometimes venting to him if needed but nightmare never really minded since cross had also helped him, he comforted him when he needed it, he made sure to keep him safe and to help him when the others would tease him at times. The hallways felt cold, colder than usual as he now made his way to cross's room, he felt sick in his stomach and hungry, both of the feelings were agonizing. He'd knock on the door with his foot, simply just tapping his foot against the door lightly since his hands were bound together to prevent any.. incidents from occuring. After a few minutes of rustling coming from the other side, a sleepy cross had unlocked the door, looking down at nightmare.
Nightmare had a soft smile on his face, cross moving out of the way to let nightmare in before closing the door, he'd yawn. "Mh..night what're you doing up so late..? It's like three in the morning-" Nightmare would lightly nuzzle cross's arms. "Don't know..I just feel...off..you know?" Cross had pulled nightmare into his arms, simply just holding him. "Did you eat anything, are you hungry? I can get you some food you know-" nightmare shook his head, he didn't want to eat anything despite being hungry. "No, but it's okay I'm not really hungry, did I wake you? Ah sorry I probably did.."
Cross nodded, though he didn't mind waking up to nightmare..even if it was in the early hours of what is considered the morning technically but considered night by anyone with enough common sense. "No worries though!" Cross had went silent for a few minutes, thinking about something. "Hey night? Can I tell you something?" Cross now asked, a bit of color spreading onto his face. Nightmare would nod, looking up at cross curiously. "Night, I don't think I want to be friends with you anymore.."
Nightmare froze up, those words having been all too familiar with him, the times that he'd lose friends only for them to wind up with dream the next day, being nice to dream, talking behind his back with his bullies about how pathetic and stupid he was. How that he should've been the one to die from the scourge than his mother, his mother who had cared none for him nor dream, the only equality in that hell hole. That hunger inside him had only gotten worse, it was a pest to nightmare. "I want to be more than friends with you night, I want to be with you, to hold you in my arms and smother you with kisses, I love you night."
Nightmare only continued his spiral, his decent to the great depths of guilt, doubt, hatred, and anger. He was going to be replaced again, wasn't he? Why did he trick himself into thinking that cross had cared for him? "Night?" Nightmare couldn't hear cross and in an instant he was on top of them, what was the point of having his hands binded together tightly if he can still use other ways? The hunger was awful, it was so awful and he felt so sick and disgusting. Everything had went red, a sea of voices in nightmare's head shouting over each other only to make a roaring noise of several voices all blended together...and then, he heard it, the sickening crack.
He couldn't stop himself, continuing to tear at cross's body.. eating, he just kept eating, he couldn't stop his body from eating. Eventually, cross had went silent and still altogether, his cries, screams, and resisting died down completely. Soon, he had stopped pulling away from cross to look at the mutilated picture of their body, cross's face didn't look like cross's face anymore. The smell of blood was overwhelming, not to mention the amount of shock that nightmare had been in, it happened again..he did it again, another person who was important to him, gone forever.
Killer stood there in shock, his camera falling and hitting the floor, leaving a crack in the lens. "NIGHTMARE WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO CROSS?!" Nightmare froze up, staring at killer in shock like a deer in headlights, tears appearing at the edges of his eye sockets. "I..I don't know..I..feel weird.." he had gotten up, backing away from the corpse before dashing over to the bathroom while killer had tried to save cross who was certainly beyond saving at the moment. Nightmare had begun to throw up, watching as the bloody chunks of what used to be cross had been all thrown up into the trashcan.
He was sobbing loudly as this had gone on, pulling at his hair and hitting himself as a form of punishment for what he had done to cross. Cross didn't deserve this, cross was always so sweet to him, he didn't deserve to die like that by the one that he had loved. His vision went blurry, eventually fading to black and it was like that for a long while until he felt nauseous and had woken up this time in an odd place.
It was a eternally sunsetted place, the sky painted with many beautiful shades of reds,oranges,yellows with many fluffy pink cotton candy clouds. White chrysanthemums, Lillie's, and carnations covered the ground all the way up to nightmare's ribs, in the distance he had noticed a familiar face. He stood up, taking a closer look at the familiar face in the distance, it was dream. "Brother..? What are you doing here? It's not that I'm upset your here but I'm confused.." dream had said, for so long he had stayed here waiting for his brother to find him, he's been lost here ever since the incident.
Nightmare had wondered this as well, why exactly was he here? Where is he and dream at? Those were very important questions to him as well. Then it hit him, dream's dead and has been dead ever since the incident. "I...dream, we're dead..I think this is where we are supposed to go when we die.." dream just looked at his brother, confused. "Dead..? No no, I don't think we could be dead! What about mom? The villagers? The tree? Everyone..? We can't be dead-!" Dream didn't have memories of the incident, nor how he died he just remembered waking up here.
"Dream.. I'm so sorry.." he began to tear up, hugging his brother tightly as tears began to run down his face, dream hugging back and trying to calm nightmare. A robed dark figure approached the twins, looming over them, it was reaper. "It's time for you two to go, your brother's been waiting for you nightmare." Nightmare shook his head, he still had to wait for someone else to come over. "Not yet..please.. just a little longer..okay..?" Reaper had sighed, nodding and sitting down besides the two twins as they had waited.
Cross was finally here, he would look around until he had spotted nightmare and reaper, he knew he was dead and had accepted it..after all, he didn't have a family to leave behind or friends that would care as much about him as he did them and so he couldn't hate this little ending. He now approached the group, staring at nightmare for a few minutes before pulling them into his embrace, he wasn't mad that nightmare had killed him, after all since hearing had been the last thing to go when he was dying he could hear that nightmare had regretted what he had done. Nightmare had burst out in loud and heavy sobbing, gripping tightly onto cross and repeatedly apologizing for what he had done and that he should be punished for what he did. But..cross couldn't find the heart to hurt him or anything, he loved nightmare too much to do such things even if nightmare had caused his death.
Killer burst into the bathroom, shouting and shaking nightmare which had caused the others to begin to wake up as well, all gathering outside the bathroom door with many many questions of what had been going on but it was apparent that something truly awful had happened. "DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT-! NIGHTMARE YOU BETTER FUCKING BREATHE, THIS IS NOT FUNNY. COME ON, WAKE THE HELL UP-!" killer felt tears welling up in his eyes, beginning to breath heavily and quickly as he desperately tried to revive his friend, hitting nightmare's body or the wall in frustration if the method wasn't working, he tried everything. After a few moments, horror had to pull killer away from nightmare's cold body.. the smell of cross was all over nightmare along with the iron-y smell of blood.
It's been five months since everything went down, everyone had been mourning in their own ways..but killer? He was bitter, bitter and angry at himself, at cross, at nightmare, it didn't have to make sense for what he was feeling, it was just his own way of dealing with what had happened. Sometimes, he would lash out at the others and sometimes even himself, the killer shaped fist dent in the bathroom wall remained, reminding killer of every painful memory. Killer missed cross and nightmare, he remembers the times he and cross would run around chasing each other, giggling and cussing, he remembers the times nightmare would often appear behind him on his off days, Giving him a tight hug..well the best that nightmare could.
Killer didn't feel like killer anymore, he didn't like horror movies anymore, he didn't like taking photos anymore..hell, he even threw out the camera, the sight, taste, and smell of blood made him gag and feel disgusted, he was much quieter yet also much angrier. He had stopped talking to everyone, isolating himself from everyone around him unless on the rare occasions he would lash out, he hated how horror had pretended like nothing had happened and would often lash out at him for that in the few arguments they got into.. but that was just horror's way of dealing with this, he wanted to focus on the more positive things while killer was stuck in an downwards spiral of perpetual anger. Horror wasn't pretending that nothing had happened, he had been able to acknowledge what had happened but was able to move forward and think of other things like his family, killer,dust, error, nightmare, and cross were horror's family, he likes to think that someday he would be seeing them again and that they had just gone away for a little bit.
Dust's grief had manifested itself..in an interesting way, he was much clingier with everyone now, everyone he cared about that was still alive, that is. Though..that was just one side to the coin, he became obsessed with figuring out what could have gone so wrong during that night that had caused both cross's and nightmare's death, a little shrine of photos and little gifts that were given to dust by the both deceased members was made, resting in dust's room along a shelf that was decorated with fake flowers since dust couldn't trust himself to take care of the flowers if they were real, he couldn't even properly take care of himself properly without horror's help. He had needed horror's help to function now, before it had been cross that had been helping him, or occasionally nightmare if nightmare was in a good enough mental state at the time, dust remembers when nightmare had often brushed his hair and gave him cute little pigtails or braids from time to time. He missed nightmare, he missed cross, he missed when killer was much happier, and that he was still a bit better than he is now.
Error..error left, he couldn't deal with the loss properly and had left the gang to avoid thinking of it, he really did like nightmare, especially since despite being a bit of an asshole to nightmare, nightmare still decided to try and help error deal with his haphephobia, the two often practicing for hours at a time at Error's pace..he had made enough progress to even hug nightmare, now any touch brought tears to Error's eyes as he thought about nightmare. It was long discovered afterwards that nightmare had been starving himself subconsciously due to the memories of his dead twin, this was all found out one day by horror moving and looking through nightmare's stuff to set in boxes when he had stumbled upon nightmare's journal..in the journal had been an incomprehensible language for the writing.. however, error had been the one to decode it before the weeks he had left the gang permanently.

Nightmare and dream were finally at rest and so was cross.

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